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I roll over to your side of the bed,
Sticking my self up to you as close as humanly possible.
I look up at your sleeping form, your seamless, child-like face.
Not a worry line, not a crease to be seen.
Your mouth is slightly curved, almost as if you fell asleep smiling and it stayed around for a while.
Your hair is splayed out across your forehead, slightly moving with the air of your inhales and exhales.
Your hand is clenched to the covers like you're holding on for dear life, maybe,
Maybe in your head somewhere you are.
Your other hand is above your head, tossed there without a thought.
You are so beautiful when you sleep.
When your tired eyes close and your body breathes a sigh of relief,
You astound me.

I roll back over, feeling your warmth spread to my bones.

As I think about your waking smile, a tear escapes my eyelids,
your soft breaths lull me into sleep.


and then, inevitably, I wake up.

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