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My god, we were reckless then.
With our dreams spread out in
front of us,
and our lives defined by nothing but
the patchwork of stars above us;
we were fearless.
With no one bowing to anyone or anything,
we were on a road to ruin.
And I loved you, like I never loved anyone else.

We were rebels with a cause
built on finite adoration
we blindly mistook for true loyalty.
How stupid we were then,
our hearts pressing onward
on a road destined for nowhere.
We were helpless, and we didn't care.
Because that's how it feels to be
seventeen and limitless and free.

We were ticking time bombs,
trying to run away from the idea of ourselves.
Even when we finally imploded on
each other, we were desperate for life,
for death,
for one another.

And even after it's over, we know
we would do it all again for the chance to be lost and seventeen and stupid again.
If only to exist in this young body forever with you,
one last time.


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