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Sometimes all it takes to find yourself is looking at the sun breaking from the clouds, the light reminding you of who you are.

Other times, it takes talking to the person you love. It takes flying down the highway of some dead beat town somewhere with the windows rolled down and the song that makes you feel alive blaring on the speakers.

Sometimes you find yourself on a highway, with the cars rolling past at the speed of light, each with their own purpose and journey and destination. Not a penny to your name.
Sometimes the highway finds you.

Either way, I hope you know that you will find yourself someday in the strangest, most unexpected place in the world.

You'll look up to the sky and smile, and know that everything will be okay.

Don't worry about it right now, for no matter how far you travel away, you will always (forever) find your way back home.

And you, my love, are home.


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