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Do you not see how you hurt me?

You say you love me,
but your voice is full of knives and I'm the cutting board: you always cut me deepest.

You tell me you care and then you leave me to hours of my own thoughts,
You let me think so many thoughts that cause me to want to give up,
And then you tell me that if I gave up, you'd die too; I don't believe you.

You say it's not about me.
You tell me to stop.
You stifle me like I'm some child you can control.
You. Can't.

You say you're depressed and you're having a bad night. We're all depressed, love. We're all having bad nights.
Depression is not an excuse to throw knives at the ones you love.
Stop being so selfish.

Don't tell me you love me as you're stabbing me in the chest.
Don't tell me you care when you're just going to leave after I told you repeatedly that love. is. not. leaving.

I'm a person. With value and worth and I refuse to let you make me feel like I'm not.

Don't tell me you love me unless you mean it.

I am h  u  r  t  i  n  g.

And yet you are able to fall asleep,

The innocent bystander,
who stood there watching,
while I slowly bled out.

What happens when it's too late?


I'm sorry for existing. Sometimes I wish I didn't.

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