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I learn as I get older that I really don't get along well with people.
I don't enjoy large crowds, frenzied filled with strangers.
I don't find myself frequenting coffee shops or airports to travel away from all I've ever known.
change is scary,
pain is perpetual,
anxiety is stifling,
and all of this is avoidable from my room.
I don't savor loud voices, their tones only jar my brain,
they are the ringing in my ears that never fails to make my head hurt.


I learn as I get older that maybe that's okay.
I don't get along with people, but I fall deeply into routine with a few and that's enough.
I don't enjoy large crowds but I won't let it stop me from leaving my house.
I don't find myself frequenting coffee shops
(but I love coffee enough to try)
or airports to travel away from all I've ever known
(but one day, I hope to see the world)
change is necessary,
pain is temporary,
anxiety is manageable,
and all of this, while avoidable from my room, will not stop me from touching the sky I was named after.
I don't savor loud voices, but I'll learn to participate in the conversation anyway.
I'll learn to hear their tones as music, the medicine taking the headache away.


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