A Feeling of Choice

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what you must realize as you grow,
is that love is not a feeling,
but a choice.

you fall in love on a feeling but you will stay with whoever you choose to stay with.
because one day, the first love jitters will fade, the butterflies will settle themselves in the pit of your stomach,
you'll want to give up because there hasn't been any breaks in the clouds in a while.

but true love is choosing to look for things to fall in love with all over again when time wears you both thin.
when the butterflies have stopped flying, find wind somewhere in you to lift them off the ground.
when the jitters of first love fades, remember how her face reminds you of all the reasons why you chose to live for a bit longer, and I promise you'll feel it all over again.
when you want to give up, remind yourself of every reason why you promised her you would never and you'll find reason enough not to, I promise.
when the feeling fades out, you must choose to find it again, that is the real test of true love.
after all, do you not go looking for stars in the sky, even if there were none to be seen the night before?


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