To My Future Kid

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1. Stop looking at the sun so long, kid, shiny things are only meant to be seen from a distance. Thats why we wear sunglasses; some things are just too pretty to be seen at full capacity. That's why we break hearts sometimes too, kid.

2. You're a legion, kid, made of stardust and old songs filled with words no one knows the lyrics to. You're an old soul with a big heart who cares way too terribly; but never let anyone tell you to feel differently. You are who you are for a reason.

3. Stop walking around like you own the place, kid. You gotta realize that the woman beside you is no better than the one in front of you, and the little boy inside of you is no bigger than the two of them combined. Take yourself off that high horse before you fall off it onto the ground (your grave will be just as big as the women's when it's all said and done.)

4. You have to learn how to see the world in black and white. The roses bloom ebony and the sunflowers a slate gray, kid. You'll see the street signs shine monotonous shades of boring and you'll find yourself start looking for the color. When you see the one shining purple you'll know; always find the people who are made and bursting with color.

5. We all fall off the Earth sometimes, kid. We all have bad days and hard times and moments when we feel as if it'd do the world better with one less person in it: tell that voice in your head to shut the hell up. We all die a little inside sometimes. We all lose friends and gain them. We all fail tests and get cheated on. We all live; you have to learn how to do the same. The trick is in knowing how to find gravity in the midst of it slipping out from underneath your fingertips.

6. Love everybody, kid. Even the yellow men and the pink ones. Even the red roses blooming on the side of the street for people to come pluck and give to their lovers. Love the people who love you, and love the people who decide they don't. Love is such a fickle, erratic weed: it always grows back even after it has been cut. You're worth all the love in the world, so make sure you love everyone in return. Even if they're different than you; because they're different from you. You have the power to change the world.

7. You will make it and move on and stand still and fall and rise and kiss someone you're crazily in love with someday, kid. So make sure you close your eyes; it's weird to stare at someone's eyelashes like that. She may not like that. He may find it creepy. Make sure you remember the shape of their mouth though, kid. That's what will get you through your days of dark clouds. You'll remember their warmth. So kiss someone like you mean it. You only get the first one once.


Okay okay I realize this is weird but it came to me so I wrote it down.

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