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did you know your mom gave birth to you so that you may grow and take over the world?
she birthed a generation of lovers, bound by the strings that tie humans together. that, my dear, is called loyalty.

she birthed her dear children to wake up every morning and choose love over any form of hate, she broke her back everyday so that maybe you would have the capacity to do the things she never could.

so you grew up tall and strong like a sunflower in a garden full of sunlight,
you opened your arms to every single stranger and planted roses in the paths of those who weren't always as golden to you.

you had love bursting out of you at every angle and yet when you looked at yourself in the mirror every night, your heart shriveled up like your momma never watered it. but you forget that she did. she taught you that love is something that can only be reaped if you sow it, and that includes the way you love everyone. even you.

your momma birthed you for greater things than to love everyone besides yourself. you are a human bound by blood to do wonderful things, you were born with feet that move and hands that can grasp. legs that can carry you wherever you want to go next. you were born with skin smoother than honey, lips sweeter than June lemonade. you were born with the love your mother gave to you the second she saw your face.

is that not reason enough to love yourself?

child, your body was built by the love of two people who grew you together to be something magical. your heart was put to life, your scars sewed back together so the blood that kept you alive could keep doing it's job. every breath in your body was made intentionally so that you could do whatever you want to do with the limited number of them you have so please—

please. love your ever so tired body for the way that it carries you to sleep every night. for the way that it bends when you need to pick a flower, for the way that it sings in the shower because even after you beat it up in the mirror, it still has the capability of making beautiful music.

love your body for the way that your skin spans over your heart so that the only things that can hurt it are those with which you let them. love it for the way it moves, for the way it glistens in the sunlight, for the way that it tightens when you need to hold on just a little bit longer. stay loyal to the bones that never fail you even after you fail them.

your momma birthed you to love everyone, my dear. and that includes yourself. so please. be thankful for the way with which you got a body to begin with. it is the only one you will ever get the chance to wear.

so cherish it.
put your delicately made hands in the air and say "i'm sorry momma for the way that i've been acting lately" and stop taking for granted the one thing she worked so hard to put out into existence.

because you were made for far greater things then the hate you give yourself.

-for all of the girls who have so much love in their hearts for everyone except themselves.

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