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I remember I told you to come see me if you ever missed me.
We had been arguing like we do, and you were angry and I was angry.
Nothing new for us at all really.
We've always had this complicated but electric chemistry. When we were good, we were like magic: sparks between our finger tips and lightning in our hair.
But when we were bad, we were explosive, like bombs in the night sky, like the end of the world.
I knew you'd come when I told you that, because for some reason, you have this inability to stay away from me.
You walked up to me in my back yard, god I remember it so well.
There was a white carpet lining the ground where I stood and it was dark:
Lights bobbing in the air and torches blowing in the ever so gentle wind.
I could see the worry lines in your forehead and I knew I just wanted them to leave.
I looked nice, a dress and heels compared to your pajama pants.
You were still so much more beautiful.
Just as I took your hand, notes of that song that we both adore started dancing through the air and I looked into your forest eyes.
"Forever, my love. I will love you forever."
And then I was on one knee before you even had the chance to realize,
my hands cupping around a plain silver band.
"This isn't a marriage but it is a proposal. For forever. Promise?"
And as tears welled in her eyes, I knew I had done all that I could to remind her of her worth.
She wasn't mad anymore.
We both weren't.
So she took my face in hers and kissed me in the soft and lovely way that she does.
And for the first time in a long time,
I felt safe.


One day, I won't have to wake up from these dreams. Because I will be living them. With you.

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