Ondolemar x Reader

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Why here? It was the only thing running through your mind as you dodged your way through the crowd in the Thalmor Embassy. Delphine had insisted you attend the party, even with your protests. Now here you were, hidden among some of the most obnoxious people in all of Skyrim, shying away from the one person who you trusted more than anything.
It was for the best though. If the high elf knew what you were up to you would never hear the end of it. Sighing, you looked to make a distraction so you could continue your mission. As you were lost in thought, a hand took hold of your shoulder and spun you around to face the owner.
"I knew it, what are you doing here? You know how intolerable the Thalmor are, and you are not only jeopardizing my position but your safety as well." You rolled your eyes, although you made no move to pull away from your lover. "Don't blame me, blame the blades. If it weren't for Delphine, I wouldn't be here, or perhaps I'd already have made it under the embassy." Ondolemar looked concerned, "Under the embassy? Why in the gods would you want to go down there? I am trying to keep you out of chains, not send you towards them." He looked around nervously as he realized the volume his voice had grown to. Calling down a servant for drinks, he focused on making the meeting seem more casual.
"I'm on a rescue mission of sorts, top secret dovahkiin details, you should understand." You took a sip of the spiced wine he handed to you, "You Thalmor have good tastes." Ondolemar just nodded, ignoring your attempts to lighten the situation. "Please just leave before there's a scene. We can't take this risk at the moment." You shook your head, "Not until I'm finished here." Ondolemar sighed and his grip on his wine tightened. "Very well, in that case it looks as though I will have no choice but to assist you. Please enlighten me as to how I can be of assistance." You smiled, finally he had stopped trying to convince you otherwise. "I need a distraction, there's too many people here for me to just slip out." Ondolemar thought for a second before walking off, and as you slipped down the stairs, the sight of Ondolemar "tripping" and spilling his wine all over Maven Black-briar was something you'd never forget.

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