When Your Motivation Don't Work Like It Use To Before--

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Garroth: We only have one oneshot out, and she's already making the crack pieces!

Laurance: Hey, making oneshots is hard. Especially when you have too many unused ideas but don't know how to properly use them. That and the director is suffering from Motivation Deprivation.

Garroth: I know, but Esmund damn.

Laurance: I still don't get why they are called "crack times".

Garroth: Because we act like we're on drugs.

Laurance: But since for us this is like a movie, why don't we just call them deleted scenes?


Garroth: Laurance in the morning.

Laurance: *asleep*

Garroth: Laurance in the evening.

Laurance: *asleep*

Garroth: Laurance at night.

Laurance: *giving Garroth a death stare from the roof*


Laurance: *staring at a broken bed*

Laurance: Garroth is gonna kick me out of the house.

Garroth: What happened?

Laurance: *gestures to the bed* This is what happens when I eat--


Laurance: *on his phone, texting in a Group Chat with Aphmau and Zane*

Garroth: *brings down the door*

Laurance: .... What the fuck.

Garroth: *looks like he just witnessed the Tattletale ritual, Golden Freddy/Shadow Freddy/Shadow Bonnie, Alice Angel/Bendy/Butcher Gang jumpscares, the events of Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls and Despair Arc, the Zombie Apocalypse, rise of cannibals, and a bunch of other fucked up shit*

Laurance: Are you okay--

Garroth: Laurance what is in the living room!?

Laurance: Oh that's my pet Enderman, my pet Gargoyle, my pet Wither, and my pet Demon.

Garroth: Where did you find it!?

Laurance: In the backyard--


Garroth: Laurance do you wanna sleep with me?

Laurance: I don't know.

Garroth: Think about it--

Laurance: Have you ever gotten me in a bed before?

Garroth: .... No?

Laurance: That's what I thought you bitch.


Laurance: I can easily compare you with Mondays.

Garroth: How so?

Laurance: I never want to see you.


PDH Garroth: Why does there have to be one demon per person? Why can't there be a chance for... maybe two?

MS Garroth: Are you saying we fuse them together?

PDH Garroth: And add some demons to him.

MS Laurance: I like having my own body. And I don't want to be stuck with that... thing.

MCD Laurance: *hissing*


SK Laurance: *wearing a black and red maid dress*

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