Our Goodbye Kiss

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"We.... we did it...."

Garroth could hardly believe what he was seeing. Lady Aphmau, the one he had sworn to protect at all costs all those years ago, rose into the sky from the ground, holding the fragment of Shad the Destroyer.

Her knowing, gentle eyes scanned over the battlefield. Her divine aura radiated from her like she was a beacon, washing over everyone who had survived this long. The Angel wings that had sprouted from her back when she embraced the power of Lady Irene had erupted into flames, with a matching tail of blazing feathers. A phoenix.

One by one every survivor on the battlefield turned to her, the outcome of the battle clear on which Divine Warrior had emerged victorious. The bodies of humans, Werewolves, Meif'wa, Witches, Warlocks, Elves, and Shadow Knights littered the burning grounds. Some of them were friends, some of them were allies.

"She.... she really did it, huh....?" A weak voice whispered from behind him, making Garroth turn around.

Approaching him was a weak and bloody Laurance, a Shadow Knight who had been in allie in Lady Aphmau's army. He was also one of her guards, and had been a potential love interest. Garroth and Laurance had been best friends for a long time, almost like the brother each of them never had. If he was being honest, Garroth had had a small crush on the brunette quite recently.

"It wasn't just her that did it, Laurance." Garroth whispered back, supporting him as he almost fell. "We all did it. We all won this war."

"But she did most of it." He responded, blinking slowly as his eyes faded back to a soft baby blue color.

"Perhaps." He smiled, blushing lightly as he looked into the now calm set of eyes.

Laurance slowly looked to him, a small smile showing at the corners of his lips. He looked so tired, so worn down and wounded... Garroth just wanted to pick him up and hold him forever. But all he could do right now was support him standing up, and then he could take care of him after they returned to Phoenix Drop.

That is... if the two of them returned to Phoenix Drop.

Laurance had an entire life in the Nether. He had been one of the two leaders of the rebellion against Shad, the group of Shadow Knights that had assisted Lady Aphmau and her army in the war. Laurance was a Shadow Knight, a highly discriminated against species. As if the discrimination hadn't been bad enough before, it would only get worse now that Shad the Destroyer was, well, destroyed.

Ironic. The God of Destruction being destroyed.

"Garroth! Laurance!"

Garroth looked ahead of him, seeing the black haired warrior they would both give their lives to protect. Her phoenix/Angel wings had disappeared into her back, the holy white glow to her eyes diminishing. She was being followed by Katelyn the Firefist, another old companion of theirs, who was carrying a severely wounded soldier.

Looking closer, Garroth easily recognized them as Aaron. Aaron was Aphmau's love interest and partner, the father of Alina and descendant of Shad the Destroyer. He had also been the Lord of Falcon Claw at the time it was massacred by one of the Amulets. He had given his life in order to free Garroth from Lady Irene's Dimension, and to finish off Zane once and for all. Unfortunately, Shad had brought both of them back, using Zane for information and using Aaron's body as a host.

"By all the Gods, you're both alive!!!" She cried, tears falling from her eyes as she hugged them both.

"Aphmau...." Laurance replied slowly, not even flinching as she touched one of his wounds.

"Laurance.... you're wounded..." She gasped, taking in just how badly he was hurt.

"Isn't everyone?" He joked, getting a small punch in the arm from Garroth.

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