So I'm A Freshman Now--

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(Bruh Imma be a freshman in just a few days. That school was packed and crowded with just the freshman there for orientation. I don't wanna go with all of the grades there.

Like.... got any advice? Any senior readers or anyone higher than freshman, or even freshman who are already in school?)

Laurance: What's this? *grabs flyer*

Garroth: Some program that causes you to be physically, emotionally, and mentally tortured. Honestly I don't even know who would--



Garroth: I'm about to get first place!

*Laurance zips across the grass using the Star, knocking into Garroth and throwing him to the side*

Laurance: MOVE BITCH--


Laurance: Garroth, stop putting your fingers in the candle wax!

Garroth: But I like....

Garroth: To peel it off my fingers.


*Laurance is trying to free the Master Sword*

Cadenza: Come on Laurance! Come on Laurance!!

Garroth: *appears from around the corner*

Garroth: Cum on Laurance?


Laurance: I've been asleep for 12 hours... can I sleep for 12 more?

Garroth: I'm pretty sure that would be a coma....?

Laurance: Sounds great!


Garroth: Because with this bitch--

Laurance: *looks at Garroth*

Garroth: Don't looK AT ME MOTHERFUCKA--


Garroth: Laurance, why are you crying in the bathroom?


(Dis gonna be me on the first day. Troubles of being antisocial: the motherfucking bus and getting a seat.)


Laurance: I'm not eating that.

Garroth: You're gonna eat this soup, and you're gonna like it!

*the soup growls and leaps out of the pot*

Laurance: IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!

Garroth: Now that's not nice, Laurance! My brother does something nice for us, and this is how you act?

Laurance: *looks into the kitchen to see Zane dead on the ground*


Laurance: Hey!

Laurance: I never planned on surviving past high school, so I'm going through life completely blind!

Laurance: Oh, and you're watching Disney Channel!

Garroth: I don't know whether or not to be depressed--


Garroth: This gay butler bar doesn't have a fire exit.....!

Laurance: *walks in wearing a butler outfit, about to start his shift*

Garroth: AnD tHeRe'S tHe FiRe--


Laurance: *has just finished washing his hair for five hours straight, and got Cadenza to help him*

Laurance: And now..... I wait.

*an hour later, his hair was dried up. Unfortunately for him, it's still poofy at the bangs and slightly curled*

Laurance: Why can't my hair be straight for ONE DAY!?

Garroth: Because your hair is like you. It isn't straight.


Garroth: Ro'Meaves don't have sex, Ro'Meaves mate.

Laurance: *spits out his coffee*

Garroth: Sorry about your.... *holds up creamer* COFFEE-MATE.

Laurance: *wheeze*


*Laurance and Garroth are in the art room looking at the art of their upperclassmen*

Laurance: I know this one!

Garroth: Me too!


(This literally happened with me and the one other freshman in our art class.)


MS!Laurance: About time they removed the 'nut' from honey cheerios.

Lust!Garroth: Now you gotta add your own~.

MCD!Laurance: *high pitched demonic screeching of suffering*


Garroth: You need to treat the Laurance with respect!

Aphmau: *looks over at Laurance*

Laurance: *buried under blankets, stuffed animals, flower bouquets, and wheezing for air*

Laurance: Help..... me......


Laurance: *breathes*



Laurance: I may hate a lot of things you do, but you're the most valid bitch I've ever met.

Garroth: *finger guns*


Laurance: You enjoyong those dinosaur nuggets?

Garroth: Yes, yes I am.

Garroth: I feel like I'm five again.

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