The Time of Angels - Two

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Everyone climbed down the ladder and into the dark, damp entrance that was only lit by the torches and small amount of light coming through from the top of the ladder. "Do we have a gravity globe?" The Doctor asked turning his torch on.

"Grav globe." Octavian ordered. A soldier then handed the unlit globe to the Time Lord.

"Where are we?" Amy frowned turning her torch on and looking around the entrance. "What is this?"

"It's an Aplan Mortarium, sometimes called a Maze of the Dead." River informed.

"Lovely name." The Stone commented.

"What's that?" Amy questioned.

"Well, if you happen to be a creature of living stone..." he then kicked the globe which lit up and hovered in the air lighting up a large array of broken statues. "The perfect hiding place." He finished.

"Nice kick sweetheart." The Stone chuckled making him beam.

"I guess this makes it a bit trickier." Octavian said eyeing the area.

"A bit, yeah." The Doctor nodded.

"A stone Angel on the loose amongst stone statues. A lot harder than I'd prayed for."

"A needle in a haystack." River hummed.

"A needle that looks like hay. A hay-like needle of death. A hay-alike needle of death in a haystack of, er, statues." The Doctor said then noticed the pointed look the Stone was giving him. "No, yours was fine."

"Right." Octavian slowly nodded then turned to his men. "Check every single statue in this chamber. You know what you're looking for. Complete visual inspection. One question." He looked between the Time Lords. "How do we fight it?"

"We find it, and hope." He muttered then walked away with the Stone.

River went to follow with the others but came to a hault when Octavian stopped her whispering to the woman. "They don't know yet, do they? Who and what you are."

"It's too early in their time stream."

"Well, make sure they don't work it out, or they're not going to help us."

"She seems to trust me more than he does. As long as she doesn't work it out then we will be fine. I won't let you down. Believe you me, I have no intention of going back to prison."


"You all right?" River eyed Amy who rubbed her eye.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She shrugged it off not seeing the dusk slip between her fingers. "So, what's a Maze of the Dead?"

"Oh, it's not as bad as it sounds." River shrugged. "It's just a labyrinth with dead people buried in the walls. Okay, that was fairly bad. Right give me your arm." She reached out. "This won't hurt a bit." River then injected the redhead who yelped pulling her arm back and frowning at the woman. "There, you see. I lied. It's a viro-stabiliser." She announced. "Stabilises your metabolism against radiation, drive burn, anything. You're going to need it when we get up to that ship."

"So what are they like?" Amy asked nodding at te Time Lords busy a couple of feet away. "In the future, I mean." She corrected. "Because you know them in the future, don't you?"

"The Doctor and the Stone?" River raised a brow. "Well, the Doctor's the Doctor and the Stone's the Stone."

"Oh. Well, that's very helpful." Amy laughed. "Mind if I write that down?"

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