Flesh and Stone - Two

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"What's that?" River questioned eyeing the device the Doctor was using with his screwdriver.

"Er, readings from a crack in the wall." He replied.

How can a crack in the wall be the end of the universe?" River asked.

"Don't know, but here's what I think. One day there's going to be a very big bang. So big every moment in history, past and future, will crack." He replied.

"Is that possible?" She asked. "How?"

"How can you be engaged, in a manner of speaking?" The Stone asked slightly tilting her head to the side in thought. She was never one to poke her nose into other people's business, of course when it wasn't something interesting or life threatening that is.

"Well," River smirked. "Sucker for a man in uniform."

"Doctor Song's in my personal custody." Octavian replied. "I released her from the Stormcage Containment Facility four days ago and I am legally responsible for her until she's accomplished her mission and earned her pardon." He added making the Stones eyes widen in shock. She never expected River to be that bad. But why was she at Stormcage... what could she have possibly done. "Just so we understand each other." Octavian hissed.

"You were in Stormcage?" The Doctor questioned.

"What?" River frowned. "What is that?" She questioned trying to change the subject.

"The date." The Doctor replied while the Stone frowned still wanting an answer to the Doctors previous question. "The date of the explosion, where the crack begins."

"And for those of us who can't read the base code of the universe?" River asked as the numbers switched and randomised until they reached 26/06/2010

"Amy's time." The Stone whispered her eyes widening a little.


"It doesn't open it from here, but it's the Primary Flight Deck," Octavian explained eyeing the wall and small hatch. "This has got to be a service hatch or something."

"Hurry up and open it." River hissed aiming her gun at the forest. "Time's running out."

"What?" The Doctors eyes snapped to her. "What did you say? Time's running out, is that what you said?"

"Yeah. I just meant-"

"I know what you meant. Hush." He ordered cutting her off. "But what if it could?"

"What if what could?"

"Time." The Stone murmured her eyes widening, understanding what the Time Lord meant. "What if time could run out?"

"Got it," Octavian called.

"Cracks." The Doctor said nodded at the Time Lady. "Cracks in time. Time running out. No, couldn't be..." he frowned speaking to himself. "Couldn't be. But how is a duck pond a duck pond if there aren't any ducks?"

"And she didn't recognise the Daleks." The Stone added looking at him. "Okay, time can shift."

"Time can change." He said.

"Time can be rewritten." They both whispered their eyes both widening meeting each other. "Oh!"

"Doctor Song, get through, now," Octavian ordered. "Doctor?" He frowned seeing the Time Lord. "Doctor."

"Time can be unwritten." He whispered.

"It's been happening all around us and we haven't even noticed." The Stone sighed shaking her head.

Shattering Time [5] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now