chapter 2

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***Part 2***FANFIC-Niall#imagine-"I'll Always Be in Your Memories"

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I couldn't hold it in..The happiness and excitement I just stood there and screamed "YEAH BUDDY" into the air as I heard it echo and echo and echo.

I texted back as fast as I could, but not too fast. Mostly cause I didn't know what to say. Its different talking to someone over phone compared to person. Is she as happy and jump as I? I'M NIALL HORAN!! Of course she is!!...well I can I only hope. I reply then immediately go wake up Zayn, I had to tell him. Or someone!!

I walked out and across the hall.

??: Hey Niall!

*The unexpected voice made me jump. I wasn't expecting anyone to be up this late.*

Niall: Hey Harry!

Harry: what’s up with you? Got to date or something?

*my face turned red. I didn't know what to say, I wasn't expecting to tell Harry*

Niall: umm

I couldn't hold it in again! I just decided since I ran into Harry first that I would just tell him, so I explained everything to him.

If I must say he was a great listener for Harry but I could tell he was half asleep.

Harry: "ah I see u know Karter is a very fit girl"

Niall: "yeah?"

Harry: "She's emm.. A very nice girl"

Niall: "yeah mate?"

I really wasn't sure where he was going with this.

Harry: "so does Karter have any...friends?"

Niall: "yeah I'm sure she does? Mate where are you going with this?"

Harry: "Are they single?"

I just signed and put my head in my head laughing softly. Same old Harry..Same old Harry.. Always looking for a lady.

Niall: “you do understand Karter's not older than us so if I got you with one of her friends, she's probably going to be the same age as Karter"

Harry paused and thought for a moment. Then as the two sides of his mouth fell he nodded with an intelligent face look.

Harry: “I’ll take it... But she has to be cute and my type...I don't want some psycho"

Niall: ok man well it’s late and I might have a date tomorrow... Night man

Harry: night Niall


After the 10 agonizing minutes he finally text me back. I took a moment to just look at his name show up. I still couldn't believe it. I mean out of all people to fall in love with Niall, Is me! NO! No! Love? It's that word again! I'm not ready to say I love him. Not yet. I know I like him...a lot but from my past relationships the word 'love' has always haunted me.

For example: a guy says he loves me so my mind tells me to love him back but my mind was also what showed me he was cheating on me.

I Know Niall would never cheat on me. He's too kind... too gentle...and from what my three days straight of talking to him taught me... Too heartfelt. I Know I trust him...I like him...I think he's a great person... But 'love' is just too strong of a word for me. I don't want to jinx myself and I certainly don't want to be hurt again.

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