Chapter 18

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***Part 18***FANFIC-Niall #imagine- "I'll Always Be In Your Memories"


I sat there on my bed in my short shorts and tank pjs watching "The Bachelorette". It was a good season... There was a lot of hot guys. I heard a knockob the door, i walked over and looked through the glass at the top of the door to see who it was. It was Harry! I flung open the door and practically tackled him to the wall with my hug. "HARRY!"

Harry:"Hey babe! I thought I would umm i would come by..."

A big smile grew on our faces as I grabbed his hand and walked back into my hotel room and shut the door. He looked so cute with his beany on. Cute?... Alright he looked super hot with a beanie on.... What can i say hes my man!

Emerson:"yeah, no! I'm happy you came by... Karter went out with Josh, so I got kinda lonely.."

Harry rose an eye brow at me as he sat next to me on the bed.

Harry:"Josh?... As in Josh Devine? in the drummer"

He looked me in the eyes in shock as his face got closer and closer to mine. He began to smirk once he was inches away from his.

Emerson:"Yes! Harry now enough with Karter and Josh and crap..."

I looked back at the TV screen as I pushed his face away jokingly. We both laughed.

Harry:"what are you watching?"

He pointed to the TV.

Emerson:"The Bachelorette... Its so good there are so many good guys"

Harry:"I think the girl is pretty hot"

He looked at me and smirked an even bigger smirk. I looked at him in shock as we kept eye contact.


I shrieked

Harry:"yes beautiful..."

He smiled into my eyes. He had the most amazing green eyes.

I giggled as i turned back to the TV screen again.

Emerson:"what am I gonna do with you?" i teased

Harry began to kiss the side of my neck slowly as he spoke.


I could feel his warm breath against my skin. As his soft effortless lips touched.

Emerson:"Harry not now... I wanna see what happens!"

He pushed me back onto the bed as he spoke again. I let out a loud giggle.

Harry:"I think I might already know..."

Our lips moved in sync as I pulled off his beany so I could run my fingers threw his lush curls... I reached for the remote to turn off the TV as I felt Harry's hands run up and down my body... It was a perfect moment. I wasnt even worried about Karter or Josh coming in anytime soon because i know Josh has liked Karter since the 3rd grade and nows his chance... Again... So I guess its his retry.

Alright time to think about Harry.... Just me and Harry...


It was an amazing night with Josh. We catched up on life and looked back on memories. I told him about the audition tomorrow and he told me about touring with One Direction... Pretty cool right? I thought it was kind of weird though that he never really hit base of any of them. Well yeah he said the basics Louis is really funny sometimes, Zayn can be quiet but most of the time hes quite a partier, Harry a huge flirt, and Liam is really mature... Except when i comes to spoons, but he never really said anything about Niall...

I already knew all of that stuff anyways... I'vr been hanging with the boys for the past 3-4months


We started to walk back to the hotel. I kept looking over at Karter... I couldnt help it, she just look so beautiful tonight and I didnt want to forget this date.

I didnt mention Niall at all tonight... I didnt want Karter to become uncomfterable or emotional. I know she went out with Niall, that's no secret half the magazines had her and Niall on the front cover, asking if they are a couple or not... I could tell she was trying to ignore them. Also, when Niall said he "made a mistake" made me think of her because i just dont want to see her get hurt again like I have in the past... Its just not easy...

She looked at me with a little smile on her face and eyes widened.

Karter:"what?" she giggled

She caught me staring at her... I just froze... Why am I acting like this around her...Karter is just my friend? I should have different feelings for her I... I just...I dont know I guess I........

Before I could even finish thinking I found her lips on mine... Wait? Did I just kiss her?

I dont really care anymore actually... everything just felt so right... My hands found their way around her waist as I pulled her closer. Her hands slid up to my neck. Are lips moved in sync perfectly. There we were... In the middle of time square, with the lights shining from the giant TVs and music in the background..."MA MY MA MY HI GIVE ME LOVE MA MY MA MY HI OH GIVE ME LOVE"(ed sheeran) with her lips pressed against mine... Just the two of us... I felt like my heart was about to jump out of my chest... She was...Everything was so perfect... Just like how it used to be...

Thats what I missed.

What will happen? Who will catch Karter and Josh? How does Karter feel about him? Does Josh love her? What is Niall planning to do? Who ever said what happened to Karter last time she was on the streets of NYC at night wont happen again? And whats up with Emerson and Harry? Read to find out;D




i want to know what you guys think!!!


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Sorry for any typos

Also, please check out my new fanfic I'm also working on "You Make My Heart Race"

Thank you to all readers;)

Chapter19 coming soon;)

< 3Fortune

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