Chapter 12

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***Part 12***FANFIC-Niall #imagine- "I'll Always Be In Your Memories"


So far this whole vacatiom was just a perfect dream... Take that back... This is reality to its fullest. Everything was perfect from kissing at the top of the Empire State Building to the shopping in time square... Well... Take that back too. Every once in a while i would hear a russle in the bushes or click.. Of a camera? It was weird. I kept trying to tell Niall but i dont think he wanted to hear the truth, because of what happened last time he was here... Or really anywhere where his fans or paparatzi saw him. And honestly we weren't ready to go public... I wasn't even ready to say 'i love you'... Even though i must have already said it 5,000 times. I guess i'm just scared... Scared if i made the right decision... Not about telling Niall 'I love you' but being the one he loves... Because once the fans even see us near each other all the hate gets sent to me... The hate... The death threats... I don't deserve that and neither does Niall...


Since it was the last day together before the tour Niall and I decided to take the girls out to a New York City club.. Thought it would be fun. Both Karter and Emerson look extraordinarry. Our hotel wasn't far from the hotel so we decided to walk. Niall was holding Karter's hand close and tight. He's pretty protective. I ran up to catch up with them. I heard a wistle noise and we looked over... All it was was a group of jerks trying to pick-up my lady.. They kept wistling and hallering at her as we were walking. I don't blame them... I couldn't help having a beautiful girl-... Girlfriend?... Emerson?.. Shes my girlfriend right?... I ran up from behind Emerson and grabbed her hand stopped her and kissed her. She smiled up at me as i pulled away.


I looked up at the group and yelled: "Yeah! SHES MINE BOYS"

Emerson started to giggle as I pulled her in for a hug.


I stopped before we entered the club and looked at Niall in the eyes while holding his hands. This promise ment a lot to me He knows it.

Karter: "Niall do me favor... Because you know this means a lot to me"

Niall: "mhm" he smirked putting his forehead on mine.

Karter: "just promise me you wont get drunk... I need to trust you"

Niall: "babe you told me this in the beginning of the trip too..."

Karter: "because I'm serious... Feel like New York is the worst place to get drunk anyways if anywhere"

Niall:"ok anything to get you to trust me... Love you"

Niall kissed me On the tip of my nose gently as he spoke.

Karter:"love you too"

Even though i truly did love him... It always felt weird saying it. I guess my past relationships still haunt me... But Niall's different... Aslong as he keeps this promise i'll never regret saying 'i love you'...

***after 4 hours of Partying***

Putting his hands on my bum every slowdance, commenting on other girls, yelling the swears in the songs.. What got into him..

Karter: Niall look at u ... Your totally wasted

Niall: No! I'm NIALL HORAN i can do whatever i want

He said in a cleary shaky drunk voice

Niall: C'mon dance with me

He takes a strong grip of my arm

Karter: Niall stop! You promised me!

Niall: Promised u what?!!

I looked him straight in the eyes and pointed to him while speaking in a strong tone!

Karter:"that u wouldnt get dru-"

He cut me off with an angered bossy remark.

Niall: "That was really stupid anyways!" *took a drink of his beer* "Promises are stupid... Why can't you just be fun?"

He tried to grab my waist but i pulled away... I knew he clearly wasnt himself right now. I could tell by the tone of his voice.

Karter: i tried Niall! I have tried this whole time! But your too bussy checking out girls and acting like a jerk!...thats whats whats...!!STUPID!!!


We both paused and looked at each other in confussion and anger... I knew he couldnt have ment that....he was so drunk and.. He must have been?... He would never say that to me, right?...i glanced at the floor then back up at him as tears formed in the corner if my eyes... I had been called 'stupid' so many time by the ones i thought I loved and I didnt expect to hear it from Niall...

I had to say this because if we are in a so called 'relationship' he wouldnt be breaking a HUGE promise...if he would have never broke it none of this would have happened.


I tried to shout over the music. We both did. I couldnt take it anymore... How am i the stupid one?

Karter:"I'M OFFICIALLY DONE TRYING! IF YOU WANT ME IN YOUR LIFE COME FIND ME. But until then u can continue acting like i dont exist"

Hes the one whose drunk! Hes the one who!.. Who! ... WANTED THIS RELATIONSHIP IN THE FIRST PLACE!! All night he's been acting like i don't exist... Its like he forgot who i am. He was drunk and it was disgusting. He was dancing with other girls and hitting on them right infront of me! I'm such an idiot... How did i ever think he would be able to keep a promise like that?! I shook my head while looking down at the floor in silence... I couldnt stand the way he acts whens hes drunk. No respect. No promises. No feelings. I raised my hand at him slowly as the song 'If i were a boy' by beyonce came on.

Karter: "relationships dont last without promises Niall... I'm done"

I made my way to the door. I could feel Niall following me with a dull face of confussion.


He grabbed my arm with a tight firm grip as I reached for the door. I heard a wimper in his voice.... Clearly he got the right messsage.

Niall: Karter...

I slid his hand off my arm as his face dropped.

Karter: Just make me one promise...

I could see his eyes widen making a puppy face.

Karter: ... Leave me alone for the rest of the night

I opened the door and left into the streets of NYC leaving Niall there standing alone. I could feel my vision getting more and more blurry from the tears. Did i just break up with Niall?! What just happened back there? When will I ever be able to trust someone?

I look to my right about to turn the corner not far from the hotel. And suddenly a man and another and another person in dark clothes and flashing lights which looked almost like white fire came running toward me. I was in heals... I couldnt run. I was alone in New York City... Teary eyed and confused... Probably not the best idea... But i was scared really really scared... Wheres Niall when i needed him?!




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