Chapter 17

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***Part 17***FANFIC-Niall #imagine- "I'll Always Be In Your Memories"


Emerson stood there in shock as she looked up and down at my dress.

Emerson:"Wow! You. Look. Beautiful"

Yeah I really did... I felt amazing in thing dress and I was so unbelievably happy Josh was here. Theres so much I need to tell him about and he needs to tell me.

Emerson:"Wait... was that even one of the dresses Harry and Niall got for you... Because I dont remember seeing that one..."

Emerson looked at me in confusion with a tilt if her head pointing at my dress.

Karter: "ha! I got this dress before the boys brought us... I've just been saving it for something... I havent even been thinking of Niall since the break up Emerson...and i certainly dont want to start now.. I just want this night to be for me to enjoy...with Josh.."

I let out a sarcasmic laugh as i spoke.

Emerson:"ok i understand... Just try not to be seen by the paps... I just dont want Niall to be anymore broken hearted..."

I sighed as I looked down while biting my lip as I opened the door... Since when did Emerson care so much about Niall? Have they been talking behind my back or something? gah! Who to trust... I really didnt feel like picking a fight right now escpecially with Emerson. I started to walk down the hall but then I heard Emerson yell as I looked back.

Emersom:"Hey! Wait! Karter! Your doing the audition tomorrow... Right?? PLEASE!"

I smiled a simple smile at her as I nodded. Emerson came running over and hugged me.

Emerson:"Yes! I didnt want to be alone!"

We pulled away from the hugged and i continued walking down the hall as i looked back at Emerson waving goodbye. Emerson went back inside the room. As I turned I smiled down at my dress. Yeah, I really did save this dress for a special night. As I took the turn to the elevator I bumped into someone... And by the looks of his shoes, I knew exactly who it was...



Karter:"oo sorry"

She said while looking up at me with a face full of total shock. I looked at her up and down... Why is she so dressy?... So fancy?... She looked so... Beautiful? Wait... Explanation, please?!

We stood there in silence and shock for a couple minutes. I didnt know what to say... Where's she going...

Karter: "I emm I should probably go.."


She walked past me while fixing a stray hair and tucking it behind her ear. I was speechless... I wanted to know where she was going... Who she was seeimg... Did she really get over me that fast?... I didnt want to be a stalker, but I still loved her so so much and everything that happened she saw the wrong way... I REALLY DIDNT KISS DEMI BACK IT WAS A MISTAKE. And I was ready to proove it to her at her audition. So yeah, I followed her, but I stayed around the corner so she didnt see me.

But then I saw...

My heart suddenly felt like there was nothing left for me to love and I felt like a ghost.


Jeez! I felt like I was about to have a heart attack, she just looked so... so... Ah i dont even know just so attractive... Beautiful... Her smile shined so bright, her teeth as white as a pearl.... Just how I remember.

Josh: "ha haw hi"

I smiled into her gorgeous eyes

Karter:"hehe are you.. ok Josh?"

She said while smiling at me and placing her hand on my arm which sent shivers down my back and goosebumps on my skin. I know I was inlove with her before when I dated her but now I missed her which made me love her even more.


AWWWWW he smiled nervously as he shrugged his shoulders up turning a bit red on the cheeks. Hehe aww did I cause that? I pulled him in for a hug without thinking which caused me to wince again.


I looked down at the ground in pain as Josh lowered one hand to my waist where there was no pain and put the other hand on my chin turning it towards him. He looked me in the eyes.

Josh: "Karter, if its not me thats causing this pain... Then who is it?"

I tried to pull my chin away and look back at the ground.

Karter:"Nothing, i mean no one...i mean... It's... em just not important..."

I let a breath out. He gently pulled it towards him again.

Josh:"C'mon Karter, I've known you since..."

he took a breath in as he continued

"I-I dont even know when bu-"

Karter:"yeah I know Josh, you've known me forever and you just wanna protect me... Wow you really haven't changed much have you"

As i cut him off we started walking out the door and to the restraunt.

Josh:"I just miss you and dont wanna loose you again"

Karter:"as a friend?... Or girlfriend?"

Josh:"... Both..."

I bit my lip as josh rubbed the back of his neck. Both?... He still had feelings for me? Its been almost 2 years and he still loves me?...

If thats the case... I atleast know I still want to stay as friends and last I checked hanging with friends shouldn't be awkward, so I slipped my hand into his. He looked at me in shock and I smiled. He smiled back in relief. Yeah, he had a good smile and I was always the one that made it.


Josh?! Really... Wha- wha- why?! JOSH?! But he's like my best friend! Like literally out of all people... It can't be Josh... I can't be mad at Josh!... He shakes his food with me... We even did a twitcam together. THATS WHEN YOU KNOW YOUR BEST FRIENDS!! But He didnt even tell me about it! I... I just dont understand... Why doesnt anyone ever tell me anything?!!

I sat my guitar down next to me as I slid down against the wall tucking my knees into my chest and my head into my knees as tears rolling into my legs.

How do you look at the girl you love... And tell yourself it's time to walk away because she doesn't love you anymore...

How are you supposed to tell your heart she loves someone else without breaking it?

How are you supposed to tell yourself everything will be ok when you know it probably won't?

Now I know why Zayn tells me to be careful... But the worst part is... I still love her... And just like what Karter said her grandfather always said "don't give up" and I'm not going to... I'm not giving up on finding love..


Will Niall ever get Karter's heart back? or will it go to Josh? What will happen on the date? what does Niall have planned? 

Team Niall or Team Josh?


i really want to know what you guys think!!!


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