Chapter 2

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The doorbell rang at exactly 8:30. My heart started skipping beats as I heard Jay walk in. I looked over the staircase railing and saw Lottie, and Felicite walk in first. The twins pilled in soon after. Still no sign of Louis. I sighed a sigh of relief and rubbed my face. Just calm down, Eleanor, I thought to myself. Maybe he's not even coming! I almost smiled at the idea.

"Elle, you do realize that the dinner is being served downstairs, right?" Ryan's voice said.

I turned around to find my brother standing behind me with an unusually big smirk across his face.

"I know," I replied.

"So... Let's go then."


Both Ryan and I walked downstairs slowly only to be greeted by a warming, welcome, fist full of hate.

"OW!" Ryan screamed.

My jaw dropped as i watched my brother fall to the ground in pain. I looked around at everyone who was laughing. My mother included. I didnt fancy her that much. She's quite the opposite of a lady. I heard eruptions of giggles beneath me, I looked down to find Daisy and Phoebe there, giggling and hugging my knees.

"Sorry, Ry." Lottie said as she helped him up.

"Owww, Lot!" He said. "That really hurt this time!"

Lottle giggled again and she smiled her usual smile. God, she smiles like Louis. Speaking of which, where is he? Not that I care or anything.

"Dude, you need to get stronger! I'm so much more younger than you and I can beat you up!!"

Ryan laughed then proceeded to pick Lottie up and throw her over his shoulders. She squealed in delight and started to squirm. Sometimes, I wish she was also my little sister. She's so sweet and caring and level headed. All of the Tomlinson girls are like that.

"Excuse me, Jay," Ryan said. "But I need to take the trash out."

"I AM NOT TRASH!" Lottie yelled as he carried her out.

I felt a tug at my skirt and looked down at Daisy. She looks so precious and innocent in her little ballerina outfit. She looked like a pink fairy, t'was cute.

"Elle?" She said

"Yeah sweetie?

"Can you please do my hair? I wanna look pretty like you!" She said with her eyes lighting up. I couldnt help but to smile and frown at the same time if that was possible. She's such a beautiful little girl, why on earth would she think she's not pretty? I nodded and picked her up.

"I wanna come too!" Phoebe squealed as she followed me up to my room. I giggled. I love these two so much.

"Okay," I said, "who's first?" I raised my eyebrows and held up my straigtening iron.


Louis's POV

I. Am not. Going. No way in Hell. Am I. Going. I looked at my step dad with intent. I am not going. I am not going. I am not going.

"You cant make me go, Father." I said, crossing my arms and stomping my foot. I frowned and tried to give him the puppy dog eyes.

"Louis, youre going. End of discussion." He replied back with the same expression.

"Ugh! Why do I have to go?! You know I hate that family."

"No, you dont."

"Yes. I. Do. Did you forget what happened?"


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