Chapter 12

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I looked around the room with horrid shock. Everyone was speechless, everyone. I swallowed back some tears and looked down at my twiddling thumbs.

"But," I stammered out. "I didnt mean to! I was just.. Shocked! And and scared! Please, dont.. Dont hate me.." I swallowed again and looked back up at everyone.

"Hate you?" Niall said. "I could never hate you, Lou."

Zayn nodded in agreement. "Yeah, what happened in the past, should stay in the past. You're obviously not that person anymore."

Harry nodded in agreement and patted my knee. I looked over at Liam, who without shock, looked pissed. I swallowed.

"I could hate you.." He mumbled. My eyes went wide and I got up slowly.

"Liam, I-I promise!" I stammered out before tears started to go down my face.

"No, Louis. You lied to me! To everyone!" He stood up.

"I was scared!" I protested.

"Scared?! YOU were scared?!" His voice started to rise, making me feel small. I wanted to go to a corner and cry but I couldnt.


"Imagine how Eleanor felt! With what you let happen to her, its a wonder why she's not scared of you!" He started to yell.

"Liam! Please just stop! I said I was sorry!" I was now bawling my eyes out. I probably looked looked like a royal mess, I didnt care thought. All I know is that my best friend is mad at me. Or.. At least I think he's my best friend.

"Sorry doesnt always fix everything!! You're an inconsiderate bastard! Why would you do that?! Or better yet, why would you let him do that?!" He pointed angrily at Stan then narrowed his eyes towards me. I winced as more tears streamed down my cheeks.

Liam just rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw. He didnt take his eyes off me not once.

I couldnt talk. I just stood there in shock. Every word he said hit me like a thousand daggers. I swallowed and looked down. Everyone stayed quiet. Even Hannah. Which shocked me the most. I figured she'd be the one to stand behind Liam and yell at me as well. But I was honestly glad she didnt say anything. I could only imagine what she'd have to say.

Harry finally broke the agonizing silence. "Guys, c'mon. Eleanor's missing, standing here and arguing isnt going to help anything."

I scoffed. "Yeah, and who'd she run after? I'm pretty sure its the one who thinks he's almighty and Mr. Perfect." I widened my eyes when I realized what I said. Damn, I'm in for it now. But who cares? I can be mad at him! For God's sake, I AM mad at him! He has no right to accuse me of not caring! He knows, he knew, how much I care about her!

Liam's eyes shot more daggers. He hissed and slowly took a step towards me. "So now this is my fault?"

"Yeah. It is." I spat back.

"Well, if you didnt say what you said, I wouldn't have walked out!"

"You cant honestly turn this around on me!" I yelled, throwing both of my arms out to the side.

He took a step closer, and so did I. We were the same height, if not I was a bit shorter than he is.

"Watch me." He hissed bitterly. His normally warm and welcoming brown eyes were cold and harsh.

"Guys!" Harry's voice broke in. "When I said that, I didnt actually intend for you to start a different row!"

I clenched my jaw a bit angrily. "Liam, you've known me for how long? Since first year and you honestly think I would do those things on your purpose?"

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