Chapter 15

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Louis's POV

"Liam, go away." I said harshly. He just looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

"I'm not leaving," He snapped back.

God, he was getting on my nerves. Ever since we got into that fight, he hasnt stopped breathing down my neck. He keeps asking questions like, "What cha doing?" or "How do I know you really love Eleanor?". Honestly he's driving me to drink. I sighed quietly and continued to eat my breakfast. Ever since Eleanor left everyone hsa been acting strangely. More quiet, more out of tune. I can understand why, I mean everyone loves her. She's the sweetest person in the entire galaxy. I took a bite out of my toast and looked around the table. Sighing, I picked up my phone.

"Everything okay?" Harry's voice broke through my thoughts.

"Huh?" I looked at him then nodded. "Oh, uh, yeah. Everything's... Okay. Just.. I think I'm going to go for a walk. Wanna come?"

"Sure," Harry responded, throwing his napkin onto the table and getting up. Liam and Zayn got up as well and Niall soon followed. We all walked outside. The snow crunched beneath our feet as we walked in silence. The wind hit my face with force which felt like sharp shardes of glass. I took a deep breath in as we stepped over some twigs and went deeper into the woods. It was quiet and almost peaceful. Birds were cheerping and the sun above us shown down. It was almost picture perfect.

We walked up to a spot where a lot of the girls who had dissapeared went. The fresh snow covered the tracks that they laid but we could still probably find something. There was always something.

"Over here!" Liam shouted out to us. Harry was the first to run over, then Niall and Zayn.

"Oh.." Niall said.

"My..." Zayn said.

"God." Harry finished. I walked over a few minutes later and there laying in the snow was a body of a young girl. We couldnt quiet tell who it was. Her hair was long and almost a reddish color, her eyes were shut but her lips were pale and blue. Liam bent down and gently grabbed her wrist.

"Is she alive?" I asked. The hesitation in my voice was so clear and almost perfect. Liam pursed his lips into a thin line before nodding.

"She is. But her pulse is very faint. We need to get her to the resort."

"How?" Harry asked.

"We unbury her, and gently pick her up and carry her back." Liam responded. We all went to work. I worked on her legs while Harry and Niall worked on her torso and Liam and Zayn handled the arms. Once her legs were showing the sight that was seen was horrid. Her jeans werent even jeans. They were more like ripped pieces of fabric that were frozen to her. Her skin was stained with red marks with black bruises. One of her legs reveal the bone of the kneecap which was not a very pleasent sight. I fought back the urge of letting my breakfast spill all over the place and looked up at the other boys. They had gotten the rest of her body unburied and were holding the same look I was. Pure shock and horror had strucken over all of their faces. I gently scooped her legs up into my arms and helped lift her up. She was lighter then expected and more pale once we got her out of the snow. We carried her back to the resort. The kids that were outside had started to scream and crowded around us.

"Mr. Swenson! Mrs. Bathe!" We all shouted in unison. The two adults ran outside a few moments later.

"Move!" Mrs. Bathe yelled as she pushed through kids. By this point we had all taken our jackets off and wrapped them around the redhead's body. Mr. Sweson scooped the girl's body out of our arms and ran her back inside. The boys and I all quickly followed. Mrs. Bathe quickly pushed a bunch of stuff off of the table and Mr. Sweson laid the girl down on it. Some of the other teachers and chaperones that had come along gathered around. We all watched in horror as they worked on the girl. None of the teachers or staff knew who she was, which kind of surprised us. She didnt look any younger than 16 or 17 and had a sort almost angel like face. Maybe she was a run away or maybe even a missing person. But all I honestly cared about was if she was going to live or not.

The teachers got her dressed in new warm clothes and told us that an ambulance wont be able to come up for a few days due to all of the snow back up all of the roads. The put the girl in her own room and myself as well as the other boys decided to stay with her until she woke up. Just to see if we could find anything out from her. Now that she was cleaned up, we could see her face a bit clearer. Her hair was a very bright red, she was slender than normal and was still very pale. Her breathing was slow, and the blankets moved up and down with her slow rising chest. We all stayed silent as we watched.

Liam was on his laptop, searching for lost or missing children but nothing came up. We searched all over for girls around 17; either they'd be in foster care or adoption homes but nothing showed up. It's like this girl came from nowhere, and just magically appeared.


We all looked over at the girl and raised our eyebrows. The girl slightly moved her head while everyone's eyes widened in shock. Her nose started to crinkle, her eyebrows creased causing her eyes to blink open. They were a very pretty brown. But they were also very big and round and filled with fright. Her fragile hands quickly wrapped around the blanket as she pulled it up closer to her chest. Folding her legs up with the blanket she looked at us all with fright, but also with some gratitude.

"Dont hurt me. Please! I beg you.. I didnt mean to! I just.. Don't hurt me!" She blurted out.

"Hey," Harry said softly. "We're not going to hurt you, it's okay love."

"No! You're going to hurt m-me!" She stammered out. Her voice was very soft and childlike.

"If we we're going to hurt you.. Why would we just be sitting here telling you we're not? Wouldn't that just be wasting our time?" I asked with a chuckle.

The girl froze before realizing she was safe and nodding. We all knew she still had her guard up so none of us made any sudden moves.

"It's okay," Harry said again. "I'm Harry. This is Louis," He pointed to me. He followed suit with the rest of the boys. "Liam, Zayn, and Niall. We found you in the woods and brought you back here."

The girl nodded again and pulled the blankets up higher over her face, but not covering her eyes.

"What's your name?" Asked Niall with a smile.

"Ariana.." She said. Her eyes softened a bit as she dropped the covers back down and looked at us all.

"Hey Ariana." I smiled. She smiled a shy smile back before turning her attention over to Niall who seems to be a bit hesitent.

"What's wrong Niall?" I asked.

"Nutin'.." He replied.

"Tell us!" I laughed. All eyes went to the Irish lad and he let out a sheepish smile.

"Is anyone else hungry? I.. I mean.." He looked over at Ariana who was smiling.

"I am," She said. "I dont remember the last proper meal I had."

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