Chapter 14

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Soooo, obviously this isnt your normal romance story, huh? Teehee. This book might actually have a sequel to it with where I'm planning on taking it. SO, it is now a romance-mystery novel.  ;) as of right now, it's more mystery, I know. And I am SOOO sorry, but I watch way too much mystery, murder, and coldcase shows on tv.. Plus, I enjoy a good mystery mixed with romance. Plain old romance books just bore me except The Last Song and A Walk To Remember and The Vow which had me balling my eyes out...



The sounds of yelling and things crashing are what woke me up.

"IGNORANT." I heard a man with a husky voice yell. "You are ignorant!"

I looked around the room to find myself alone. I rubbed my forehead and got up, and limped over to the door. Every step I took felt like a thousand needles shooting up my side and now into my side. When I got to the door, I noticed a tall, dark, slender man with brown hair. He looked up at me and smiled crookedly.

"Ello, puppet." He said. He walked over to me, first examining my head which hurt like hell.

"I see your head is healing up nicely." He said with a nod. I winced and looked up at him. He had slight facial hair, a big nose which is quite ugly, and fat cheeks. He was skinny, but had very fat cheeks. His eyes were glazed over with hatred causing them to turn a dark brown which looked almost black.

"How does it feel?" He asked me.

"What?" I looked back at him.

"To be taken away from your friends? Family? Loved ones and to be in pain? Doesnt feel good, does it?" He asked again.

"Pardon me?" I said blinking. I didnt quite understand what he meant by all of this. He took me by my hair and dragged me over to his desk. I saw a bunch of pictures before I realized who they are. They were.. My parents. That's my mum.. And my poppy... And a baby Ryan? What? I took a step back in shock, and looked at him then back at all the pictures.

"You see, Eleanor." He said dryly. "Your family has a history of not telling people things. So I'm just gunna take a wild stab in the dark and say they didnt tell you?"

"Dont talk about my family." I said bitterly. Sure there were things my parents didnt tell me, but I didnt know this dude. He doesnt know me. I looked back at him. He handed me a newspaper clipping that set back to months after I was born.

"What's this?"

"Just read it." He hissed.

I pursed my lips together and started reading it.

"The Murder on Wall Street," was the title of it. I couldnt help but to wonder where he was taking me with this. My parents are not murderers, nor are they blood sucking demons. I sighed quietly and took a harsh seat on a wooden chair.

October 24th, 1991.

It was an ordinary Saturday night. The wind was blowing, leaves were falling off trees and everyone in everyone neighborhood we're cuddled up, nice and cozy in their houses. No one would ever expect a murder to happen. That is, until it happened. At around 2 AM, Manchester's cops were called to 1350 Wall Street. What they found was absolutely astonishing. Glass was broken and shattered all over the floor, pictures were broken and even the family dog, Bruno, was injured.

As they made their way around the house, Dectective Morris made a discovery. In the living compartment upstairs lied a male around the age of 35 was laying on the floor, bloody and cold. The person they found on the floor was later identified as Mr. Eric Calder, father to 4 year old Ryan Calder and 3 month old Eleanor Calder. Both children were later found by a lake and both were amazingly unharmed. His wife, 34 year old Jamie Calder, was nowhere to be found. Police presumed her dead, but all doubts are still lingering. After a close examination of the body of Eric, police made a shocking discovery. The man tried to kill himself, but failed. The rope burns on his neck (top right photo) indicated that he tried to hang himself. Police suspect that his wife got him down before anything happened. The man also had many deep laserations from a knife of somesort (top left photo) along with a gunshot to the leg (bottom right photo).

"Due to the fact that there was no sign of forced entry, we suspect the murderer was a friend, or family member," Sherriff Johnson stated. "We're still working on possible weapons, but as of right now, we have no suspects." 

"Where do you expect the mother went?" A reporter asked.

"We honestly dont know," Morris said. "Maybe the murderer kidnapped her? Or maybe she ran from it all. But we honestly have no leads, clues or anything that brings us closer to this mystery."

I felt my eyes starting to swell up with tears by the time I finished that sentence. I really didnt want to read anymore. I felt sick to my stomach. The world around me was spinning at a pace I couldnt keep up with. I swallowed back the urge to throw up and put the paper down. My parents... We're dead..? Or at least one of them? So, who are the people I live with now? Strangers? Family members? I took a deep breath in before exhaling. Before i did anythng else, I needed to calm down. Take a breath and just breathe.

"Why... Why did you show me this?" My voice barely come out as whisper.

"Because," Alfread said. "You need to know the truth."

"But.." I said.

"But nothing." He quickly handed me a strip of news paper, dating back to three years ago.

"The Wall Street Murder Mystery Continues,"

It has now been a total of 14 years since the vicious and cruel murder on Wall Street happened. It was turned into a cold case until recent clues we're brought up to our attention. The police had a weapon; a rifle, and a pistol gun. Now, they can add yet another possible weapon. A knife. Sheriff Johnson, who was working on this case at the time, has since retired but is willing to come back to work on it some more.

"Two kids had there mother and father taken away," He stated. "I will find this person, and bring him to jail."

They had already had two suspects; both male, around 6 foot 2 inches. One of the men's name is Allan Carter, a co-worker who had a recent altercation with Mr. Calder. Mr. Carter and Mr. Calder didnt always see eye to eye, infact, they hated each other. Mr. Calder was his boss which didnt sit well with the man. Especially when he got fired due to being to frisky with the female workers in this building. "Is this reason to kill a man? Possibly." Johnson stated. The other man has yet to be identified, but the police know he is still --"

The paper was ripped off at that point so that was as far as I can read. I swallowed deeply and kept my head low. My head started to hurt even worse and I dont think I can take much more. Alfread slowly leaned down and whispered into my ear.

"You're next." He whispered before disspearing into the darkness. I'm next? What the hell does that mean I'm next? I rubbed my face with my hands then lowered them. I decided to look through some more papers that were laying on his desk. I fetl absolutely sick to my stomach but I ignored it and kept reading different papers, seeing different pictures and learning new things I didnt even know about.

Why didnt my parents, or I should say.. Why didnt Kimberly or Jason tell me about this? Or even Ryan?! He had to have known or at least remembered something. I remember seeing things on the news about it.. But I didnt pay attention to it. I didnt notice it then, but now that I'm thinking about it when it did come onto the news Kimberly and Jason both tensed up and quickly changed it. I cant believe I couldnt tell then. I'm so stupid! I knew I looked nothing like either of my 'parents'. I needed to get out of here, no matter the cost. I needed answers and not the old, "Oh sweetie, dont worry. It happened in the past,' shit. My real mom could possibly still be alive and I am going to find her. I'm going to get answers. But first? I need food, water and a way to get out of here.

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