Chapter 17 (Part 1, Eleanor)

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Okay guys, thanks for the feedbacks! I think I know what I'll do. :) Sooo, here's chappie 17. Enjoyyy! :D I dont really have a lot for this chapter.. Just a warning. :)

PS- Do me a favor and check out my best friends book? :) KattyKatty: The Darkness. IT'S SO GOOOD! :D

Kay, that's all. Enjoy(:


July 16th, 1992.

"Eric!" Jamie screamed happily as she called for her husband. "Eric!" Her husband ran insdie the tiny hospital room within a few seconds. His face lit up as soon as he laid on his wife holding a precious baby girl in her arms. He didnt get to have the chance to see her being born. A car accident the night before caused Jamie to go into labor earlier than expected. This is the first time since late, late last night he's seen her. Little Ryan ran into the room after his dad.

"Daddy!" He yelled.

"Quiet, son." He smiled as he picked the ltitle boy up. Ryan nestled into his dads arms and looked over at his mom and the newly born baby. His eyes creased together as he titled his head to the side.

"She's so tiny.." He mumbled quietly.

"Ryan?" His mother exclaimed. "This is your sister, Eleanor."

"Eweanor?" He asked inquizitively. Jamie nodded and smiled. The little girl now known as Eleanor was sleeping comfortably in her mom's arms. Eric walked over to the side of the bed to get a better look at his daughter. Ryan climbed out of his father's arms and sat down next to his mom.

"Do you want to hold her?" Jamie asked her husband. He nodded slowly and gently took the girl out of her mothers arms.

"Oh, dearest Eleanor," He said softly as a single tear rolled down his cheek. "Oh, my dear baby girl. You're so beautiful, just like your mother. You have her nose, her eyes, and I can bet you anything that you have her brown hair as well. You're going to grow up to be a strong, brave little girl. I pity those who stand in your way. From this day forward, I make you a promise. I will always be there to protect you. Always." Little did he know what was held in store for him.

The Calder's didnt really know what to expect with a new baby girl. I mean, sure. Girls are pretty simple to take care of but they're a lot more different than boys. Was Eleanor going to be as fussy as Ryan was? As messy? As loud, quiet, moody or even as funny as Ryan? They didnt know, but they know one thing. They love their baby girl and their baby boy with all of their heart. They will stop at nothing to protect and keep them safe.

October 24th, 1992.

It was a cool night. Nothing really was out of the ordinary. Little Eleanor had just played with the Tomlinson boy, who was only 9 months older than her, but still enjoyed her company nonetheless and Ryan just got back from camp. The family was resting happily, sitting on the couch and watching tv. It was nearing both Ryan and Eleanor's bedtime.

A man who the Calder's didn't really know was standing outside of their house. He was a tall man, slender with glasses. He's been watching Jamie for the past five years. Planning, priding and waiting for this moment. He quietly walked back out to his car to make sure he had everything planned correctly. Gun? Check. Knife? Check. Bags for the brats? Check. He looked back over a piece of paper with chicken scratch on it.

- Kill the oldman first.

- Go for the brats next.

- Grab Jamie

- Run.

 The man nodded to himself. If I cant have her, no one can, He thought to himself. He looked up at the old house. The lights were still on, which was no good. He pursed his lips together a bit then grabbed his phone and made a call.

Around 2:30 AM

Everything went according to plan. The old man, Eric, was killed instantly by a lasso. They made sure to make it look as if he was trying to committ suicide. Jamie grabbed the two kids and ran. The killer made sure to follow them but quickly lost sight of them.

Jamie didnt let go of her kids once. Though, covered in blood and scared, she kept running. She got to a lake somewhere down town. Eric took them there once before. Oh her sweet husband. She placed Ryan down on the pier then handed him Eleanor. Even though he was only four, he held his little sister bravely.

"Mama?" He asked, crying.

"Shh, baby." She said quietly. "I want you to do something for me, okay?" Ryan nodded and looked up at his mother sadly.

"I want you to take care of your sister. I want you to be brave and wait here for someone to find you. Your aunt Kimberly should be here soon. I want you to be strong and be brave for your sister. I'll come back and get you both one day."

"Mawmy! Where are ou going?" He asked sheepishly. Jamie looked around anxisouly before placing a gently kiss on her son's forehead.

"I love you babies, never forget that." She looked at her two children before getting up and running back off into the woods. Ryan obeyed his mother commands and waiting for someone to find him and his sister. He didnt really know who this Kimberly person was but he made sure not to let her hurt him or his baby sister.

Within a few hours, they were found and taken to her house. The girl, Kimberly, and her husband Jason tucked Ryan in carefully before putting Eleanor in a crib that shared a room with Ryan.

Over the next 5 years, Ryan had nightmares about the night but couldnt quite figure it out what they meant or where they were from. He had totally forgotten about his life before. He created a house on the clouds where a women and man in white would come and visit him. They took the nightmares away, made him feel calm even though he didnt know who they were.

"Take care of your sister, be brave for her. I love you babies, and never forget that." The women would whisper to him. And he never did forget that either. He took great care of his sister, no matter what.

They grew up perfectly fine. Kimberly and Jason kept them safe and happy. Nothing bad or wrong ever really happened.

Eleanor was a healthy young girl. She didnt remember any of the things that occured when she was younger, and as far as they were concerned, they're keeping it that way. Same as for Ryan. They couldnt tell them. They just couldnt.

Eleanor was now 17, about to leave school, and is the most amazing girl they have ever seen.

Ryan was now 21, on his own and doing great. Until he found out Eleanor went missing. His baby sister, missing. He was going crazy. Absolutely crazy. Was she safe? Dead? Scared? He wasnt there to protect her. He had failed as a brother. He has failed the lady in white.

"Baby!" Maria called out to him. "We'll find her, relax. Breathe." She walked over to her boyfriend.

"I cant relax, Maria." He said plainly. "I failed as an older brother." Tears streamed down his cheeks as he grabbed his keys and walked out of the house.

He started to question who and why would take her.

Well, there was Stan.

He didnt like her that much because she dated Louis and well.. Stan was in love with Louis and had envied her.

Then there was Yasmin..

She's been on Eleanor's trail for the past two years. With her gone, she may have a shot with Louis.

The more he thought about it, the more people he thought of Louis. How people wanted to hurt her and did hurt her because of Louis.

Maybe this was Louis's fault.. Maybe.. Maybe he wanted her gone as well.

Ryan couldnt think of anything else but how much he was going to kill Louis. Louis was a dead man in his eyes. And he will stop at nothing to get Eleanor back safe and sound at who he thought was his parents house.

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