Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning with a pain in my chest. I gasped and wheezed and rolled around til I flipped off of the bed. I gasped a bit more then started coughing my lungs out and gagging on nothing. Am I dying? Oh! I must be dying. This pain hurts like hell. My vision is going blurry and I cant feel my toes! So.. This is what dying feels like?

Okay, okay. Maybe I'm being a liiiiiiiiiiittle over dramatic about this. Sure, my head feels like it was going to explode from all of the coughing and sure, I was on the floor gagging but that doesnt mean im DYING.

"Louis!" Niall yelled sleepily. "Huuuuuuuussssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh" the Irishman groaned. I rolled my eyes and frowned. Well excuse me for dying! I gasped a bit more then got up and whined. My toes were still numb and my head still throbbed. I looked around the room and both of my roommates were still asleep. I chuckled lightly and pulled the blankets back over Liam. He was still freezing cold so I had decided to put my blanket on top of him as well. I tucked him up like a snug bug in a rug and smiled when he exhaled happily. He hasn't changed a single bit. I smiled at the sleeping Irishman and walked into the bathroom. I took my shower, brushed my teeth, did my hair and got dressed and walked back out of the bathroom to find the boys still asleep. I raised my eyebrows then chuckled a ibit evilly and pulled out my TOMs. Ou, one good whiff of these bad boys and that'll send ANYONE into shock. I gently and quietly climbed onto Niall's bed and leaned over him. D'awww! He looks so cute when he's asleep. So peaceful. So unsuspecting. I pursed my lips together and waved the shoe by his nose, kind of like one of those scent sticks. His nose started to twitch a bit and he coughed a bit. I knew if I got closer, I'd really get him. So I put the shoe right on his nose. Right on it. He gasped and shot up, sending me flying off of the bed.

"EW WHAT THE HELL DIED IN HERE?!" Nialler shouted. I laid on the floor, laughing too hard for my own good. Niall shot me a death glare. His blonde hair was flying everywhere so it was kiiiiiind of hard to not laugh or to even be scared of him. Liam moved a bit then sat up. He coughed a bit then looked at us.

"What's going on guys?" His half hoarse voice sounded tired and rational.

"He put a smelly, foul, down right disgusting shoe on my nose!" Niall pounted and said accusingly. I gasped dramatically and placed my right hand over my heart.

"I did no such thing!" I protested.

"Louis?" Liam said in his normal fatheer like way. "Did you?"

"No! Course not! Why would I?"

Liam nodded over to the shoe that was still in my hand.

"Oh! How... How... Who put this there?!" I quickly threw the shoe somewhere behind me and flashed my cute little innocent smile. Niall rolled his eyes then laughed. He shook his head then looked me, still laughing.

"You're a horrible liar, mate." He finally croaked out.

Just as Liam was about to open his mouth we heard a loud commotion coming from outside. I helped Liam get out of bed and all three of us walked out into the hall way.

"Calm down kids! Calm down!" Mr. Swenson's voice was almost yelling. "Now, as I was saying, we have a few students missing. If anyone has seen or HEARD from them, please let me or any one of the adults kno-"

"Who's missing?!" A kid shouted

"What happened to them?!" Another kid asked

"Are they alright?"

"Are they dead?!"

"Did the Abominable Snowman come and eat them?!" I couldn't help but to laugh at the last one. Abominable Snowman? Really? I held in a chuckle and kept listening, leaning against the door way.

"The students who are missing follow as such; Cassidy Wilkins, Serena Jones, Charlotte Englemen, and, " he held up the piece of paper close to his eyes then pulled it back to face us once more.

"Eleanor Calder."

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