Chapter 16

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We all quickly sat down at a table in the cafeteria. Seeing that the girl was having trouble walikng, Harry carried the girl who we now know as Ariana in and placed her down in a seat. It was about midnight so the place was empty, and a bit colder than usual but Niall and Liam snuck into the kitchen and brought us out some food; which means, they brought out crackers, and water.

Ariana had a grateful smile over her face as she slowly started to eat. We didnt want her to eat too fast because we didnt want her stomach to expand too quickly.

"So, Ariana? Tell us about yourself. It's not everyday that we find an almost dead girl lying in the snow, ya know." Niall chuckled. All of the boys except Liam and I were staring at her with awe, and lust. Which was kind of cute. It looks like there may be a war over who can win over her heart.

"Well," She said after she swallowed down the rest of a cracker. "I'm from Florida.." That explains why she has a different accent from the rest of us.

"Is that in the United Kingdom?" Niall asked with all seriousness.

"No," She giggled. "Its in the United States."

"Oh!" Niall blushed. "Sorry, I just thought it was.." Ariana smiled even bigger then giggled.


"How did you end up here then?" I questioned. She shifted a bit uncomfortably in her seat then exhaled and shrugged.

"I dont really know.. To be honest. I dont remember a lot. I remember going to bed when I was younger.. Then.. Waking up here in England. I asked the man who was with me what happened, but all he said was that I'm where I belong. So.. I didnt fight or do anything. He raised me until I was about 13. He died of cancer and I was left on my own. I did okay for a while, I guess. I lived in and out of homeless shelters, managed to get by with nothing. Ya know? Well.. One day, it got to the point to where it was really bad. I was sick, I was hungry and I was cold.. I didnt have any other option.. I had to do something. I walked into a bread store, and got a loaf of bread. It was freshly made and just brought out. I quickly stuffed it into my jacket and ran.. I didnt know the owner of the shop had seen me.. I was just so hungry. He chased me out before calling the cops. The cops found me after a while and I told them what happened. They let me go with a warning and told me if I did it again, I could be in serious trouble. After the cops had left, a new man, different, tall and almost a dark figure walked up to me. He said, 'I can help take care of you, missy.' and I was 16 at this point, so it was about a year ago But anyways, I said no thank you and walked away. He followed me to the place where I had been hiding out. I knew he was following me so I tried to be quick. I started running, and running but he was faster. I felt something sharp and painful hit my leg and the next thing I know my face plowed into the snow."

She was now teary eyed but it didnt stop her from talking. She took a sip of her water to slowly gaining her composure back.

"The man walked up to me and said, 'listen, girly, I aint got time to play no silly games wid cha.' I was now begging for him to leave me alone but he didnt.. He grabbed my legs and started to drag me. I kept screaming, and screaming for help but.. No one came. No one saw what happened and if they did, they didnt help. He dragged me all the way up to the moutains. By the time we got there, by back was so scratched up it hurt to walk. He threw me onto the couch and walked off. I looked around continuously to see if I could find a way out, but there was nothing. He had gotten me good, I knew I was basically trapped. Over the months I had spent there, he did some pretty unspeakable things. But he kept me alive although at the time I would've chosen to be dead."

A single tear rolled down her cheeks but Harry caught it and wiped it away. We all sat there in complete shock at the story. I felt so bad for the girl, she's been through so much and she's still standing, well, talking at least. None of us really knew what to say. We were all gutted.

Ariana flashed a tiny smile at Harry before returning her attention to us.

"I had a baby.." She continued on. Her face lit up the tiniest bit and her smile seemed to grow bigger.

"Really?" Zayn asked shocked.

Ariana nodded but her face quickly fell.

"Yeah.. His name was Joey.. He uhm.. He died.. a weeks ago. He was only 3 months old..  And he was taken from me."

"How'd he die?" I heard Harry's voice whisper.

"Cold.. Not being fed enough.. Alfred abusing him." She sniffled as more tears violently streamed down her cheeks. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

"I feel so guilty.. I couldnt help him.. I couldnt save him. My baby.." Her voice trailed off as she broke down. Her head fell to the table and her arms instantly wrapped around it.

We all frowned and looked at each other. Harry and Niall wrapped their arms around her at the same time and hugged her. Liam and Zayn gently rubbed her back and I placed my hand on top of hers.

"Hey.." I said softly. "Ari, it's not your fault, love."

"Yes it is!" She wailed.

"No, it's not. Babe, there's nothing you could've done. You tried didnt you?"

She nodded slightly and lifted her head up to face me. "Yeah.."

"That's all that matters is you tried to save him. You tried but there's nothing you could've done. The baby loved you so much, and he always will. No one can or ever will replace him."

"I just miss him so much.."

"I know you do. But we can help you get through this somehow. Nothing can ever take the pain away from losing a child, but we can help mend the hole thats in your heart."

Ariana smiled a bit before nodding and letting out a slight thank you. I smiled back and patted her hand.

After she calmed down, we walked back up to her room and piled in, one after the other. Ariana laid down on the bed, Liam, Niall and Zayn sat down on one and Harry and I sat down on the other. Ariana pulled her legs up to her chest, wiping one last tear away from her eye.

"So.. Why are there cops on every floor? Has something happened?"

"Yeah," Niall said. "Our friend Eleanor, and some classmates disapeared. No one knows how or why or even where they went. So, we're kind of on like.. Floor arrest."

Ariana giggled a bit then nodded then her face turned serious.

"Disapeared?" She asked.

"Yeah, gone. We dont know where."

"Uhm.. Well, I know before I ran.. Alfred was talking about getting four new girls.. Better ones than me.. I think.. I think I can help you guys find them."

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