Chapter 3

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Eleanors POV

Did i hit a brickwall or was that a person i ran into?

"OW! Watch it!" I heard someone say underneath me. Person. Dammit.

"Sorry!!" I nearly yelled. He groaned again.

"Do ya think ya get up or do i have to push you off? My arm is trapped underneath me and its starting to really hurt." He huffed.

I rolled my eyes and got up off of him. Although he was still quite comfy, I really didnt want to lay on him. He got up a few minutes later and looked at me. I flashed him my signature 'F YOU' smile and walked outside and joined my brother at the table. Everyone had already started eating so if I wanted some, I had to grab it fast. I quickly grabbed a plate, put some food on it and started eating. Louis walked out a few minutes later and joined us, taking the only other seat available, which was where, you ask? Right in front of me. I gritted my teeth and stared down at my food.

"So Eleanor," I heard Jay say, "How's school going?"

I looked up at her and nodded. "Pretty good." I said after swallowing.

"That's good! Your father tells me you're going to go to a college?"

"Uhm," I said a bit nervously. "No. Not right after school at least."

She nodded and smiled.

"My daughter is very smart, so whatever she decides, i'll be right behind her." My dad boasted.

"Daddy's giiiiiirrrrlllll! Dadddddy's giiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrlllllllllll" Ryan teased.

"Shutttttuuuuppp." I hissed.

He chuckled and kept eating. He was on at LEAST his fourth plate. How can a person eat this much? I used to tease him and say he had the belly of a cow. I still think he does...

It got quiet again. I mean... Dead silent. Have you ever been in a room or around people who you know arent very fond of you? Well.. Just try being me. I know Louis's parents hate my guts, my parents hate his guts. I hate him. He hates me. It's literally a room full of hatred. I opened my mouth to say something when I felt my mobile buzzing. 'New Text Message from Leemur.'

was shown brightly across the screen. I nearly smiled with delight as I read the text message. Oh thank you Liam. Thank. You.

Hey! - Liam

Hey(: - Eleanor

WUTCHA doing? :) - Liam

Dinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaah. - Eleanor

That's fun stuff. - Liam

No. Lol not at all. - Eleanor

lol sowwy ;( - Liam

Its okay. hey, what happened to you earlier? You like... Dissapeared.. -Eleanor

Family ish. -_- - Liam

What happened? IS MAH LEEMUR OKAY?! AND MY SALAMANDER?!?!? D; - Eleanor

uhm... I'll tell you later. But Samantha and I are fine. Promise.  - Liam

:( okay. Skype date? - Eleanor

Yeah. Around 10. - Liam

Okay! - Eleanor

I got another text from a different person. I left mine and Liam's conversation and went into my dad's and giggled.

Get off the phone, love - Daddy

I couldnt help but to giggle and smile as i slid my phone back under my leg. I nodded and mouthed sorry to him and he shot a smile back at me.

I looked around at the table. Daisy and Phoebe were fighting over food, Lottie was in a trace and was day dreaming about who knows what, Fizzy looked like she was up to no good, Ryan was still eating and Louis? I pursed my lips and looked shyly over at him. He was looking right back at me.

"What?" He said. His Bieberlike hair was to the side and cascading over his face like a waterfall.

"Nothing.." I looked away quickly, trying to hide the fact i was blushing.

I saw him roll his eyes out of the corner of my own. I winced and looked at him.

"Whats your problem?" I asked

He gained a shocked look over his face. He looked as if youa sked him a very personal question, which I dont think i did.

"My problem?" He asked hastily.

I just nodded and swallowed.

"My problem is you. This family. Everything. I didnt even WAT to come here. I didnt want to see your face. I didnt want to see ANYONE. I wanted to go out with my FRIENDS and have a nice time. But no, I had to come here to enjoy a nice, happy, fun, stupid, horrible dinner. I hate you. All of you."

I swallowed back tears. I started feeling the words he just say cut through me like a bunch of knifes, tearing me apart, cutting me, and throwing me under the bus. I wanted to scream but instead i just nodded.

"Sorry I asked..." I mumbled.

"Whatever. You're a little tramp who doesnt and will never care anyways."

"Louis William Tomlinson!" Jay yelled, "Knock it off."c\

But he didnt. He kept ranting, knowing what it was doing to me.

"Why did I ever even date you? You are not pretty. You're not smart. You're nto wise. You're the most stupid, idiotic, ugliest person I have ever met in my enTIRE life."

He looked at me and was shooting daggers.

"Why couldnt you have just died that night?" He spat out.

And with that, he got up and left.

Everyone sat quietly and looked at me. I looked back at all of them, swallowed and slowly got up.

"I'm gunn--" I ran before I could finish that sentence. I ran inside and up to my room, flopped down on my soft bed and just cried into my pillow. Cried tears of fusteration, hurt, regret, and just utter humilation.

Nothing Ordinary (Louis and Eleanor Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن