Chapter 21

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Looking around the room, I shifted slightly in my bed, waiting. Waiting for what? I don't know, honestly. It's been about 15 minutes since a nurse came in to poke me with needles and I still have yet to see Eleanor. Sighing quietly, I reached over to the night stand and picked my phone up. I just needed to talk to someone, anyone. I punched in my Mum's number, pressing the tele up to my ear.

"Hello?" Her tired voice broke through on the other end.

"Mum," I said quietly, smiling a bit. "It's me, Louis!"

"Hey boo!" She said happily. Grinning, I rubbed my face a bit.

"I'm at the hospital. I don't know if anyone's told you or not."

"Yeah," She said sighing. "I got the call earlier today. I'm going to come down later today, baby. What happened?"

I closed my eyes a bit before finally telling her everything that happened. I told her the truth, as well. I even told her how I fell back in love with Eleanor, and that if she'd let me, I'd love to love her again. I do. I really love Eleanor, but I guess it's too late. I sighed once I was finished talking and waited for a response. 

"Babe," She finally said. "You did the right thing. And when she wakes up, she'll be grateful, I'm sure of it."

"But Mum, I hur her badly.. Why would she love me again?"

"Yes, you did hurt her pretty badly. But, you can make up for it. I know you didn't mean it, nor did Stanley."

"I know.." I said quietly.

"So? Get off of your lazy arse and go make up with Eleanor."

"Mum? I'm in the hospital with a broken ankle, and she's in a coma." 

"Not now, son. When you're both better."

I nodded, pursing my lips into a straight line. "Okay, Mum. I'll let you get back to bed. Love you."

"I love you too," After that, she hung up. I sighed, knowing she was right. But I couldn't help but to wonder, would Eleanor take me back? Would she love me again? I hurt her pretty badly. I wouldn't take me back.  I got up slowly, throwing my ankle over to the side of the bed then getting up and limping out of the room. I found some random crutches sitting outside of the door and grabbed them, using them for support. I hopped over to the front desk, smiling my signature smile. Clearing my throat, I looked at the lady. 

"Hi ma'am!" I said.

"Louis?" She asked. "Why are you out of bed?"

"I uhm.. I.." I stammered out. "I wanna see someone.."

"Oh! Who?"

"Eleanor Calder." I said. The nurses face dropped. Looking at me, she frowned before sighing and nodding.

"Lou, I'll let you see her. But she's not good.." 

I frowned, nodding. "I know. But I want to see her. Please?"

The nurse nodded before getting up and leading me down the hallway. She took me to the elevators, walking in after me she pressed floor 3. 

"What's wrong with her? If I may ask.."

"She's a lucky girl. She was dead on arrival, her heart stopped beating twenty minutes before she arrived. She has severe frost bite on her right leg, which we may need to be removed if it doesn't start to clear. Her brain has been damaged meaning she may not remember anything, and her whole body is covered in cuts and bruises. She's stable, but there's always a chance we could lose her again."

I could literally feel my face whitening. My heart fell as the nurse talked about her and her conditions. I started crying unknowingly once the elevator got to the third floor. She led me down a bunch of halls before stopping in front of a room which I'm guessing was my Eleanor's. Sighing, she pulled the door open the pushed the curtains back. Looking slowly into the room, I see the firmilar brown hair of her.The nurse moved to the side, allowing me to walk in. I swallowed at the sight of Eleanor. Her face was pale, her eyes shut and her body was limp. She had stitches just about everywhere and bruises covered the once tanned skin, wires stuck out of her everywhere and to top it all off, she had to have a breathing mask. I frowned as I sat down beside her bed. I took her hand gently into mine, and frowned. The nurse left us alone after checking her out.

"El," I whisperd quietly. "El, wake up.." 

When nothing happened, I could feel the anger in me seeping up. I don't know where it came from, but I just got so mad.

"Dammit, Eleanor! Wake up! Please? For me?" I asked beggingly.

"Eleanor! What do you want me to say? Fuck, what can I say that'll wake you up?" 

I felt hot, stingy tears stream down my cheeks. 

"Do you want me to say sorry? Well, here it is. I'm sorry, Eleanor. I am! I'm sorry for hurting you and for making your life a living hell for the past lord only knows how many months. I'm sorry for being an idiot, I'm sorry for being an asshole, I'm sorry for being a screw-up but please, I am begging you, please don't leave me. I need you! I'm sorry! Please come back to me. Please.."

Nothing happened still and I swear if it wasn't for the beeping sound of the heart monitor, or the sound of my sniffles, I'd be gone. 

"Eleanor! Please, please, please wake up.. I need you.. I love you.."

Suddenly, I heard the worst possible sound ever and also saw it.

The monotonic sound of heart monitor, and a straight line running across the screen.

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