Chapter 4

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It must've been around midnight when I woke back up. I slowly looked around the room and winced, feeling the pain of my aching body. I wanted to scream bloody murder.

You're a little tramp.

I hate you, all of you.

It kept repeating in my head, over and over and over. The whole scene. Not just his words. The way his eyebrows creased, the smile he had on his face for a while, the look of hatred and pure agony written plainly across his face right before he left. I slowly got up and slid my feet off of the bed, letting them dangle over the side. I gripped my sheets a bit then brought my blanket up to my face and breathed in the fresh, firmiliar scent of Downy. I slipped my feet into my slippers and walked across the room and into my bathroom. I looked into the mirror and I can honestly say that I have never looked so bad. My eyes had dark circles around them and I dont know if thats because of the mascara or because I havent been sleeping too well. My eyes were dull and lifeless, and I was pale. Bloody hell, I looked mentally ill. I walked back out and headed straight for my bed. I crawled back under the covers and frowned. I felt like I was forgetting something. I creased my eyebrows together and stared up at the ceiling; I took the trash out like mom asked, I finished my homework, walked the dog.. Ugh. What am I forgetting?! Dog... Homework... Chores.. I blinked a few times then picked my cell up and looked at it. Liam called a few times along with a few other numbers I didnt know... Oh my gosh! Liam! I was supposed to Skype him at 10! I threw my sheets off me as fast as I could and ran over to my laptop, carefully opening it. I clicked onto the big blue S and logged into Skype. Liam.. Liam.. Liam...Hah! There he is. I click on to his name. Offline. Dammit. I sighed heavily and ran over to my cell and quickly dialed his number. No answer. I kept calling and calling until finally someone answered.


I blinked once or twice.

"Hello?" The person asked again

I blinked again. "Hi uhm.." I managed to choke out. "Is Liam there?"


"Where is he?"

"Probably dying." The voice joked.


"Chill!" She giggled. "It's me; Samantha!"

Oh, how I wanted to kill this girl. I smirked to myself and said, "Samantha who?"

"Samantha... Payne? Liam's sister? I know it's you Eleanor!"

"No. My name is Claire Foxworthy." I giggled.

Eruptions of laughter came from the other edge. Samantha was Liam's half sister. She's exactly 9 months younger than him, which is kind of freaky in my opionion but hey, what's done is done. She had long, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes and she had an incredible voice. Singing voice, I mean. She's got a gift. She's also an actor. I giggled a bit more then finally found my voice and spoke again.

"Where's Lemur?"

"He's out getting us some food while the witch sleeps. He'll be back soon."

"Okaaayyy! You guys so realize you can stay at my house anytime, right?"

"Yeah, but we dont want to put you or Ryan in any sort of danger."

I sighed quietly and nodded to myself.



"Can I ask you something?" She breathed out.

"Uhm... Depends." I smirked playfully.

"Would... Would you be mad if Liam and I ran away? Like.. Out of London?"

I paused. My jaw clenched and my throat went dry. I didnt know what to say. Obviously I wanted to say yes, but I couldnt. I couldnt fathom my two bestfriends leaving. I didnt want to fathom it. I kept silent and swallowed back some more tears.

"Eleanor? Would you?" She asked again.

"Samantha..." I sighed. "Of course I would.. You're my bestfriend, both of you. But I'd know the reason why you left.. But.. I just.." I sighed. I cant finish the sentence. The tears started streaming down my face violently.

"You just..?"

"I just want you two to be happy." I choked out.

She got quiet for a while then sniffled and spoke again. "Love you, but I gotta go.. Mom's awake. I'll have Liam call you in the morning, okay?" She whispered

"Yeah.." I murmerd.

Beep. Beep. Beep. I sniffled and threw my cell onto the bed and curled back up under the covers. I stared up at the moonlit ceiling and frowned to myself, remembering the nights Louis and I used to lay under the stars and talk about the future. We'd have a small, subtle wedding on the beach; only close friends and family were to be invited. We'd have a house on the beach with a perfect view of the ocean. 3 dogs. 1 cat. Louis's chimpanzee Larry.  We had also already named 3 kids that havent even been born yet; Angela, our first baby girl. Louis said she'd have his nose, and my eyes. Alex, our first baby boy. I said he'd look exactly like Louis. And finally, little Becky. Our beautiful baby girl that we both agreed would be an exact mixture of both of us. I smiled a bit at the thoughts and sighed quietly. I looked over at the clock. 3:00 AM. I groaned and rolled over to my other side and hugged my pillow pet tightly. Mr. Penguin is always there for me. Always and I was thankful for that.

"Sorry for the tears," I whispered to it. "I really am."

Although I know he wont talk back, I like to think of him as a good listener. I sighed once more and sat in the darkness with nothing but my thoughts.


It was now 7 AM. I hadn't slept a wink. I felt tired and drained and motionless when my mom called up to me. I groaned and slugged out of bed and headed out the door. I walked down the stairs tiredly and looked at her.

"What's up, Mum?"  I asked. "Why so blue?"

She looked at me and frowned hugely. I knew something had to be the matter. She never frowns, ever.

"Mum," I said. "What's wrong?"

"Eleanor, sweetheart. I'm very sorry to tell you this.."

"What?" I asked again, more demanding.

"Gramma died." 

My jaw dropped and my heart race quickened. What? Gramma's... Dead?! No, that's not possible. I just saw her last Sunday and she looked as healthy as a.. as.. as a fruit salad! My eyes started to water, my defenses fell and I dropped to my knees, covered my face and just cried. A few moments later I felt the warmth of my brother's arms wrap around me and pull me into a tight hug. I cant take it anymore. I swear to God, that was my last straw. I'm done. Shattered. Broken. How much can they expect me to be able to handle at once?

Nothing Ordinary (Louis and Eleanor Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang