Chapter 19

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Eleanor's POVs

The sound of Louis screaming is what woke me back up. I was warmer than I was when I went to sleep, which made me feel a bit secure. I looked in the window and saw Liam standing there. My eyes widened a bit. I got up quickly, heaving myself up off of the floor and over to the window. The window was slightly opened.

"Liam!" I nearly shouted. He looked back at me.

"Eleanor! Thank god you're awake!" He said. "Where's Louis?"

"I.. I dont know.." I winced when I heard another blood curling scream. The other girls that were with me were killed, right in front of my face. I tried playing it cool, but it was harder than I thought it would be. I hadn't eaten a thing in the last two days. My body hurts, my head hurts, everything hurts and my leg? I cant even feel it anymore. It's just like hard as a rock. I cant move it or do anything with it. Liam climbed through the window, gently pushing me back into the couch. A red haired girl followed him soon after and so did Harry.

"Who else came?" I asked quietly. I was more worried than relieved. Every time I heard Louis yelp, I died inside. Completely and utterly died.

"Niall and Zayn are on look out. And this is Ariana, she has just escaped when you were kidnapped." Liam said. I nodded then looked around. I got up slowly and limped over to the doorway. The screams had now stopped and the house became quiet. Liam and everyone else followed behind me. I took a quick view of the area before limping out further into the living room. I took in a deeper breath before exhaling and walking outside. The snow made a loud, obnoxious crunching noise underneath my bare foot. I frowned slightly and made a shhhing sound before continuing to walk. I found some small drops of blood on the snow and followed the trail. It led me to a barn in the back.

I saw Alfred perfectly in the window. He was talking to someone but I honestly couldn't make out anything he was saying. He was angry. Very, very angry. I felt Liam's hand take a light and gently grip on my own as I walked closer to the barn. I swallowed a bit before perching myself under the window.

"Are you hurting?" I heard him ask. "Yes? Aww.. Well, isn't that just too bad. You shouldn't have tried to take my girl away from me."

I frowned slightly as I heard another voice squeal in pain. I heard Alfred let out a chuckle before another squeal happened. I frowned slightly at the pain in the voice.

"Please stop.." I heard Louis's voice ask quietly.

"Louis?" I whispered quietly. I felt the tears swell in my eyes. I turned towards Liam. I could already tell that he had a plan.

"What's up?" I asked him. I saw something flicker in his eyes as he looked up at me.


Louis's POV

I couldn't move a single bone in my entire body. I tried to crawl away but I couldn't I couldn't feel my legs, arms, stomach or anything. I felt the blood streaming down my face. I swallowed in pain as the older man stood in the kitchen, cleaning his knife up. I winced a bit then finally found my voice.

"Please, stop.." I whined quietly. "I wasn't trying to take her.. Honestly."

I know that was a complete and utter lie but I needed some reason to leave. Get Eleanor, and leave. He walked back over to me, kneeling down infront and placing the cold blade on my stomach. I winced as the goosebumps started to form. I swallowed back tears before looking my attacker in the face.

"What's the matter, babe?"

"Nothing." I hissed out. He raised his hand slightly but as soon as the knife was about to puncture skin, there was a loud crash. It startled me a bit causing me to slightly hit the knife. I yelped out in pain before curling over to the ground. I coughed slightly before whining. The guy smirked then threw the knife down beside me, walking over to the door. I swallowed in pain as I pushed myself up off of the floor. I felt someone's arms wrap around me and help pull me up. I turned around to look at the face behind me but saw nothing. I opened my mouth to say something but fingers pressed agaisnt my mouth all too quickly.

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