Chapter 7: the party

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(1 month later)

Tatiana POV

I sat bored as fuck in my math class. I sat in the back corner squinting up at the board as the teacher ranted about surface area. Didn't we learn that in like 7th grade?

I sighed and rolled my eyes as he stared at me. What a creep. 

"Is there a problem Ms. Ramirez" he said walking closer to me. I scooted away. This guy was a perv. He stares at our butts and tits.

" yes there is actually" I said looking up at him.

"And what would that be?" He said, creeping me out and staring into my soul 

"Umm your creeping me out.."I said glaring at him 

"How?" He said 

"Your staring at me..." my heart raced.

"And How is that creepy?" He asked.. oof he was getting on my nerves 

"Nun your like 40 something and you are staring at my female parts" I said scooting farther away. 

He smirked. "You may leave my class. You are being rude" 

"Alright. Whatever gets me farther away from you". I said as I walked out of class 

I heard a door shut behind me and it made me jump, then Vanessa tapped on my shoulder.

"Hey that was really cool of you to speak the truth." She said "why don't you come to a party this weekend?" She handed me a paper with the info on it 

"Yeah definetly!" I said. 

"Coolness, ill see you there" 

She went back to class and I went to the office. They were pretty mad considering this was my 4th time this week getting kicked out of that class. 

"Tatiana Ramirez" the secretary looked up at me "the principal will see you now"

I went into his office and sat in his chair . He rubbed his eyes and sighed. 

"Ramirez.. I'm tired of you getting sent out of class! It like you don't even want to be here" He said, obviously disappointed.

I chuckled. "You e got that right" I muttered under my breath. 

"The teacher called me and informed me of what had happened.... and you are suspended for the rest of Friday, aka today," he said as I leaned back in my chair. "You mom is on your way." 

I sighed as the door burst open

"Tatiana Mistake Ramirez!! Get in the car now!!. My mom yelled as the principal flinched.

The car ride home was silent except for moms four words "go to your room" and I did.

I lay on my bed and looked at the slip of paper vannessa gave me. 

"Friday night 8:00. 1982 northwest road." I read.

Alright. I'll be there.


I snuck out of the house very easily and was opening the door to a massive party. Fuck yeah let's have fun. I walked in and was greeted by vannessa 

"Hi!! So glad you could make it!!" She was very dizzy and was slurring her words. She was stuck already. 

"No problem!! Where are the drinks " I said as she pointed outside to a bar. I walked over to it. 

"Hi!! What can I get you." He said as I looked at his wall of hard alcohol. 

"Gimme tequila and Malibu mixed.. no ice" I said. Much favorite drink.

"Dang girl!' You sure you can handle it!" He said as he handed me the drink. I downed it. 

"Yeah.. I'm sure." I said smirking as he made me another one.

I walked around outside as I spotted Ethan, Grayson, Alex, and Nate. Grayson waved I waved back and walked over.

"Hey guys!" I said, taking a sip of my drink .i looked over at Nate and Alex, who were deep in their own conversations. 

Ethan waved awkwardly and gray hugged me.

"What are you drinking?" He asked as I handed him my cup. He drank a little and scrunched his face. 

"Bleck" He said ,spitting it out. "That's some strong shit"

I took another sip and knodded. I have a high tolerance for alcohol so i cant get drunk easily. Unlike some people. *cough cough* Vanessa . 

I looked over at her. She was dancing with Ethan. I chuckled and shook my head. She danced like a drunk 40 year old dad.

I looked back over at Grayson. He looked at me.

"You seem bored" i said as he knodded 

"Parties aren't really my thing" he said over the loud ass music.

"Then why did you come silly?" I said as he shrugged 

"To hang with you." He said as i blushed.

Me and gray have been talking more, Hanging out more, laughing more. We soon became best friends. But we both knew we had feelings for each other.

I looked at him. He had on shorts, black vans, and a muscle tank top. God he looked so hot in that out fit. His muscles and fluffy ass hair made me carve him even more. 

I bit my lip and he looked at me. Ive had about 3 drinks and he's had about one beer. I was beginning to feel tipsy as i got another drink.

"It's loud out here" he said leaning closer to me "wanna go somewhere else" 

I knodded as he took my hand. I followed him though the big ass house. We left the party and ended up at his house, sitting on his couch, watching Stranger Things.

The air was on and i was freezing my ass off. I shivered and tucked my knees into my chest.

"You cold?" He asked as i knodded. "Come here" He said as i snuggled up to him. He was so warm and cuddly. He kissed my forehead.

I swung my legs around him and snuggled against his chest. He grabbed as blanket and i played with his hair. 

His hands rubbed up and down my back.

I sat up, still on his lap. He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. And his hands fell to my ass. I stared into his eyes and kissed him.

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