Chapter 30: idk what to call it

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*the same day*

Graysons POV

I layed in my bed and stared at the wall. I didn't listen to music or podcasts or anything.

I was just thinking. Remembering.

Seeing Tatiana with Ethan, made me realize how much I've lost.

I always thought that she would always take me back if I wanted her, but now I'm not so sure.

Then I thought back to the moments I've share with her.

I thought back to her smile, her laugh, her cute ass face.

But then I remembered the violence.

But then I didn't care because it was Cheryl.

I wondered if she misses me. I wondered if she still cares.

I seriously fucked up. I could've had a real, kind, person by my side.

That was always there for me.

But I let myself be brainwashed and manipulated by Cheryl and my friends.

There's nothing else I could do about it.

unless i tried to win her back. could that work?

i though for a second while staring at my wall.

well she obviously likes me more because she was with me first. right?

i'd probably just end up looking stupid.

why am i talking to myself?

then there was a knock on my door.

"who is it?"


"come in" i said as the doorknob squeaked and then opened

"are you okay bro" he said "you looked upset a minute ago."

i held my breath. what do i say to that?

"nah i'm fine bro" i lied

"mmm you're lying." he said

dammit. how'd he know.

"okay fine. i miss tatiana." i said laying down on my bed.

he sighed. "i'm sorry bro"

i could tell that he doesn't really know what to do in a situation like this.

"don't be sorry bro, it's my fault" i admitted. because it was my fault.

i drove her away. i allowed people to change me. i became a different person.

and now she's gone.

(authors note thingy: omggg what is this??? and update??? it's been forever and i'm sorry guys. i'm trying to decide an ending for this story but i don't have any solid ideas. if you do, please please please help my non-creative self and comment some or message me on here i would help a lot bc my mind is so blank and btw WTF 50K reads. i'm shitting omg thank you💗💗💗"

"and yes ik this is short, but once i have a solid idea for the ending, it'll be longer and with more drama i promise"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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