Chapter 18: confusion

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Ethan's POV

I knew she was hiding something, but I didn't want to pressure her. If she wanted to tell me then she would've. And she did look fine, she made it to school, I had no reason to worry.......except for her being on the south side.

The south side was dangerous, but at least she was happy there.

Tatiana's POV

I'm glad that Ethan didn't pressure me into telling him. Because I didn't want word to get around to Greg that I was living on the south side, he'd make me go back to my mom.
Then I was interrupted, mid thought, to Grayson and cheryl fighting.

I couldn't make out what they were saying but it seemed serious.

"We are so done!" I heard Cheryl say as she stormed over to me.

"I can't believe you!! You dirty skank!!" She yelled in my face as she slapped me.

I immediately took off my backpack and tucked in my hoodie strings. I shoved her, violently, into the locker across from mine.

"The fuck is your problem!" I shouted as Grayson restrained me. I struggled against his grip.

"Tatiana stop." He said, in my ear. "She's not worth it"

I stopped struggling. The bell rang for first period. Grayson let me go. I picked up my things and rushed to first period.

I sat in my usual spot, but when I looked to the right of me I saw one of Cheryl's minions. Emmalee.

Her glare was so strong that I could feel it, even though I wasn't looking at her.

"Excuse you, is there a problem?" I said, turning to her.

"I'm just making sure that you won't try anything on Grayson" she said in her annoying 'know it all' voice.

"Well then keep a camera on me. I don't need your stares" I said as she turned away, scoffing.

What was going on? Why was Cheryl so mad? What happened between her and Grayson? I had so many questions.

—————end of school day———-

Tatiana's POV

After the bell rang, I rushed to my locker, collected my shit, and left.

I looked around for Greg. He wasn't here. Perfect...that just makes my walk easier.

I flinched when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Ethan.

"Crazy day huh?" He asked

"Yeah. What went on with Cheryl and Grayson?" I asked as he shrugged.

"I don't know. I can try to talk to him , if you want" he said

"I guess. Just lemme know Kay?" I said as he ran off to his sisters car.

Grayson's POV

I saw Ethan talking to Tatiana after school. God I miss her. I think it was the right decision leaving Cheryl.

Then Ethan jumped into the car.

"Bro what happened with Cheryl today?" He asked, putting on his seatbelt.

"We broke up." I said as Ethan's eyes widened

"Finally- I mean why?" He said

"I don't didn't feel right you know? I told her that I had feelings for Tatiana" I said as Ethan choked on his spit.

"Bro no way." He said as I nodded 'yes'

"Ima try to talk to Tati when we get home." I said.

"Uhh Bro. You're gonna have to find her first" he said hesitantly.

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean"

"I mean that she's not staying at her house." He said

I was confused. Then it hit me. Her dads house.

"I find her later I guess"

—————11:45 pm————————-

Tatiana's POV

I sat on my counter in my dads house as I ate a bag of takis that I took from the store. I also took some food from my mom and uncles house, so I should have enough for a few weeks.

I had just gotten back from the bar. I was a little tipsy, but barely. I didn't drink that much tonight.

Grayson's POV

I grabbed some clothes and a toothbrush and shoved them into my school backpack. I put on a 'playboy" hoodie and some black sweatpants and some black and white converse. I stood up straight, with the bag on my back, as I turned the front door handle slowly.

I stepped out of the door and into the night as I made my way to the south side.

30 minutes later I found myself outside of the south side bar. A young man walked out. I recognized him. Andre right? I've seen him in a few pictures with Tati.

"Sorry to bother you but have you seen Tatiana" I asked as he prepared his motorcycle.

"Yeah she was just here. Why" he asked.

"I need to find her. Do you know where she is" I asked

"Most likely at her dads house? Why? Who's asking" he asked, if was obvious that he didn't trust me at all.

"Ok..uhh.. where's her dads house." I asked.

"In the complex 3, house number 8" he said as he stopped me bigoted running off. "Beware..there's some crazy shit in that your back"

I nodded and ran off. It wasn't long before I found complex 3. And Andre was right. This neighborhood was ghetto. There were drunks, druggies, people arguing, and all the houses were beaten down.

I put up my hood and was very aware of my surroundings.

Then I saw it. House 8. It was just like the others. Broken down and very small. How did Tatiana live here?

I walked up the creaky steps to the trailer park style home. I knocked 4 times and waited for an answer.

Tatiana's POV

I was practicing my French inhale on my vape when someone knocked on the door. I thought it was either Andre or Greg. Who else would need me at 12:15 in the morning?

I hesitantly twisted the doorknob.

I opened my door to Grayson.

"Grayson?" I asked as he walked in.

"Hi" He said taking his hood down.

"How'd you find me?" I asked.

"Andre" He said. "And don't worry..I won't tell anyone.

He locked eyes with me. "I've missed you"

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