Chapter 17: feelings pt 2

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Ethan's POV

Tatiana ran out sobbing. After I heard the front door shut I went into Grayson room.

He was sitting with his head in his hands on his bed.

" is going on with you" I said while running my hand through my hair.

"Dude idk-" he said but I cut him off

"You realize you're severely hurting her right" I said as he looked up from his hands. "Are you brainwashed or something?!"

"No's just-....." he started.

"I've seen the way you look at Tati...I can see it in your love her gray..." I said

"I do" he admitted "I love her...but what about dad? What about what she did?" He asked.

"Who cares..." I said "the more you act like this...the more you're driving her away.. she already tried to switch schools, what could be next" I walked out of his room.

Grayson's POV

"What am I doing?" I asked myself "I do love her"

But Cheryl.....but dad.

I don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to keep hurting her, she's already been through enough.

I had to do something.

I glanced out the window..there was Tati. Sobbing her heart out while packing a backpack.

Why was she packing..,was she leaving? No she can't. Her mom said that if she leaves she'll go to juvie for 8 months. Would she go that far?

Tatiana's POV

I can't take it anymore. Fuck this. Fuck that. Fuck everyone. I muttered under my breath as I sobbed.

I began packing a bag. I'm not going far..just to my old house in the south side. At this point...I don't care if I go to juvie in Mexico for 8 months.

So I packed a bag of clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, hair ties, shoes, my vape and my knuckle rings (that's all that was left in the box) then I left.

I texted Greg and said I was going out, but I didn't tell him where.

I pulled my backpack straps so they weren't I could run faster with a bag on my back.

Then I took off running, wearing my Serpents jacket.

Grayson's POV

My heart dropped. She would go that far. She took off running down the street with her Serpents jacket on.

I couldn't think. I ran into Ethan's room.

"Dude! We gotta go- she's- now!" I said just spitting out words

"Dude chill" E said sitting up in his bed "what's wrong"

"It's Tati!" I said gasping for breath "she's gone- she left- Serpents" I was panicking.

"Grayson. Calm. Down." Ethan said "one sentence at a time"

"Tatiana's gone back to the south side" I said

Ethan's eyes went wide. "What" He said standing up.

"I have to go find her!! " I said as I bolted for the door.

Ethan grabbed my shoulders "no Grayson"
He started "you could get seriously hurt"

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