Chapter 22: changes

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——————-1 month later———————
(Recap: the scorpions have been targeting you lately. Greg wants to hide you in the north side)

(Also: graysons 'friends' jack and Jake have been infiltrating his mind. They've turned Grayson into a fuckboy"

Tatiana's POV

"What you can't do this!" I said, slamming my hands on the table and standing up.

" are not safe here" he started "with that scorpion around, you are in great danger"

"Cahh I can defend my self!!" I said

"And that puts everyone else in danger" he said.

I sat down and sighed. I crossed my arms and looked up at him.

"And where would I live" I said "I don't want to live with mom"

"And I figured that but you have to" He said.

"Ugh Fine" I said uncrossing my arms "when do I leave"


"Now!!" I started "why now!"

"I already transferred you" I rolled my eyes as those words left his mouth "get in the car"

Then I got in the car. We drove to fancy land.

Why why why why why why why why?!

I jumped out of the car and put my hoodie up.

"Faster" He said as he shoved me forwards.

I pushed open the doors. (She got her old schedule and locker back)

I walked down the familiar halls.

"She's back"

"Watch out"

"Where's Cheryl"

"She's a killer"

Were all whispers that I heard while walking to my locker.

Then I saw Grayson. He was flirting with a girl, but our eyes still met.


My heart fluttered. My stomach all twisted and turned.

Then he waved. I smiled and waved back.

Then he smirked and licked his lips. "Yeah I'm down for tomorrow night" I over heard him say to the girl he was all over.

That was weird, he's not the fuckboyish type.

Then I opened my locker and broke eye contact.

Then I saw him out of the corner of my eye. He got closer and closer to me. Until he was leaning in the locker next to mine.

I jumped a little.

"Sorry...I uhh.. didn't mean to scare you" he said , locking eyes with me again.

"No it's fine" I said

"I just...uhh....wanted to thank you know....saving me" he started "I could've been killed."

"You're welcome" I said.

"Hey and I just wanted to say...that every time I see you, you somehow mange to get finer and finer"

"Uhh thanks..I guess" I said awkwardly.

"Hey do you wanna meet up after school" He said, grabbing my hands.

"Uhh sure" I said.

Then he left. I guess old feelings resurfaced.

But maybe not. This isn't the Grayson I fell in love with. He's changed.

———————-after school——————————

Tatiana's POV

The  bell rang as I walked out of the schools front doors. I looked around, hoping to see Grayson.

And I did. He was talking over by a car with Nate and Alex. His friends pointed at me and he ran over.

"Let's go to my place" he said.

I nodded 'yes' and looked at the floor, blushing endlessly for no reason.

As I walked through the front door, I took in the familiar sights and smells of this home.

Then I plopped down on his couch. Ethan smirked at me from the kitchen. I blushed and smiled at the floor. Then when I looked up at him, he was making over-dramatic kissy faces at me.

I flipped him off. Then as he pretended to be hurt, he walked upstairs, passing Grayson on his way down.

Grayson came over and sat next to me.

Something seemed off to me. Like he was playing me. I don't trust him.

He keeps switching up on me like those fake bitches in school that walk around with pearls around their necks.

He looked into my eyes. "I've missed you" he says

Then it all hit me. I've been breaking my back for him.

He said the exact same thing to me before he left again.

Even though I crave his's toxic.

Then he leaned in. My heart was skipping beats. I can't do this.

But I want to.

But it's wrong. He's playing me.

Jack and Jake have turned him into a fuckboy. I saw it when he tried to get with Kyra.

I leaned away from his kiss.

He looked at me with a puzzled face.

"I can't do this." I said.

He grabbed my hands, I pulled away again.

"Why not?" He asked

"It's toxic. You've changed and you don't even realize it." I said while standing up.

He tried to say something but I cut him off

"You've hurt me one too many times. I need to leave" I said as I sighed.

Then I walked out, not knowing where to go.

(Oh hello. It's been a suuuuuuper long time since I've updated. THANK YOU FOR 2k READS. It means a lot and I'm glad you like it....even tho this was probably a shitty chapter. But what do ya think? Should she give him another chance?"

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