Chapter 14: locked up

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Tatiana's POV

The police threw me into my cell and locked me up. I sat on the floor and looked around.

I shivered. It wasn't my first time behind bars.

I got up and brushed myself off. I guess you can't hide yourself no matter how hard you try.

"Ayee Tati"

"She's back!"

"How you been"

People soon figured out that the girl who had been thrown into her cell was me.

I waved back to all of my friends...not really my friends but gang members. They all knew my father..who is now dead.

I looked at the ground in an attempt to hold back tears. Fuck. I missed him. They didn't even let me say goodbye. What monsters.

I know that I've done bad things..but that's my dad that you are executing.

I was quickly drawn out of my thought when my mom burst through the door.

I sighed in annoyance. Why is she soooo over dramatic about everything.

I turned around and sat in the corner of my cell.

"Turn your ass around and look at me child" she said as I turned around "the officer told me what you did...and are you fucking kidding me!! I don't know if I should bail you out or not!"

I rolled my eyes. "Honestly mom" I began " I don't care if you bail me out or not!! Because I'm only in here for a week and if I go home early, it's gonna be worse than prison"

I sat down on my bed.

"It's not like I want you anyways" she said. I turned to her

Grayson's POV

Cheryl started to stir. I walked over and sat in a chair next to her bed. It's been a few hours since the incident.

Her eyes fluttered open and studied my face.

I smiled. She was ok.

"Wha- " she started. "Why does my face hurt"

She poked at her jaw.

"Tati.,.she umm.....hurt you" I stuttered.

She knodded

"I knew it would happen sooner or later" she said.

"Why" I said tilting my head.

"We have bad blood...and I know what she's capable of." She said, playing with her fingers.

"Well she's in jail now" I saw as she shook her head.

"Not for long..only a week, unless her mom bails her out" she said.

"Don't worry" I said reassuring her "I've got you"

Tatiana's POV

"Oh you didn't want me huh!" I yelled "so that's why you voluntarily let me live with you"

She stuttered then sighed.

"Tati..listen..I'm only gonna bail you out because I don't want people looking at you in a bad way" she said.

Bullshit. I knew what she meant. She didn't want people looking at HER as if she can't control a child and is a bad mother. But I allowed her to bail me out. I knew that if I stayed in there, I would get in a lot
more fights.

"C'mon Tati..lets go" the officer said as he handcuffed me and led me out side to the police car.

He shoved me in the back and drove me to my house.

Grayson's POV.

I just walked through my front door after giving Cheryl a drive home. Ethan looked concerned.
"Hey you feeling" he asked

"Good ig" I said shrugging.

"What about you an Tati?" He asked

I shrugged again "idk man....I don't think it's gonna work out"

Ethan's jaw dropped "what why"

"Cuz she's not a good person. Cheryl's good for me..." I said, playing with my fingers.

"Bro wtf are you talking about!" He said "you and Tati have been through so much!!"

"Yeah but..." I trailed off

"But nothing" He cut me off. "I've seen the way you look at smile and your face lights up. Please don't tell you that you are listening to dad"

"Well... he's right. She's dangerous" I said looking at the floor.

"Do you even hear yourself?! This is Tati your taking about!! She loves you. She wouldn't dare hurt you!" He said.

"Bro just drop it." I said as Ethan ran up to the window.

"Bro look" he said as I trudged up next to him.

A police car pulled into Tatiana's driveway. They got her out, unhandcuffed her and drove away.

She looked over at us as Ethan rushed outside.

Ethan hugged her as I awkwardly stood behind him.

"Are you ok?" Ethan asked

"Yeah I'm fine" she said as she walked up to me and leaned in for a hug.

Tatiana's POV

I leaned in for a hug.....and he put his hands out and backed away.

"Babe..what's wrong" I asked.

"I" he hesitated. "I dont think your right for me..we need a break."

My heart dropped out of my asshole.

"What..." I said. Tear rolled down my cheek.

"I saw what you did to Cheryl..and I was thinking that maybe my dad was right" he looked at the floor and played with his fingers

I looked over at Ethan. He looked at me with concern.

"What are you saying" I said trying to hold back tears but they kept falling.

"We're done Tatiana. I'm with Cheryl now. She's safe for me...she's right for me" He said.

"Cheryl.." I said as tears poured heavily down my face. "Fine then"

Ethan walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

I turned my head away.

"I guess if I'm too damaged then I can't be fixed by someone I love" I said walking to my house.

They said nothing.

I ran into my house and up to my room.

I slammed my bedroom door and locked it. Now I have no one. They were my only friends but I guess now maybe not. This hurt.

I sat against my door and sobbed. My mom and brother went to the store so I was home alone.

I looked up to wipe my tears and I saw Grayson in his window looking at me.

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