Chapter 13: school

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(I skipped ahead because I didn't have ideas for the rest of that day)

Tatiana's POV.

I walked into school wearing high waisted blue jeans and a Black Nike shirt with black nike shoes. I had my hair into a high ponytail with my usual makeup.

The girls stared at me like usual and the guys whistled and checked me usual.

My only friends were Ethan and Grayson...but we didn't really hang out in school. They had their own friend groups and I was I like to be.

I walked to first period math. I passed Cheryl and she shoulder pushed me. My hands met her chest and I shoved her aggressively into the wall. I stood in front of her and held my hand onto her chest.

Then I let go.

"Bitch" I heard her mutter under her breath.

I immediately turned around. My fist met her face and she slammed into the lockers again.

Blood streamed out of her nose and her lip swelled. She sat on the floor with her friends around her, pitying her.

I walked away to my math class. I was 5 min late but. I didn't care. I walked over to my usual seat. Next to Grayson, behind jake.

Grayson looked at me with concern in his eyes. I nodded my head 'no' letting him know that it wasn't that big a deal. The teacher marked me tardy and I sat in the back dozing off...,until the sheriff burst in the room with another officer.

I looked to the back of the room which was where the door was.

"Tatiana Ramirez" the officer said as i stood up. "You are under arrest for assault and violence on school grounds while on probation"


"Cahhh that's fucking dumb!!" I protested as the officer shoved me against the wall and hand cuffed me.

"Y'all are extra asf!!" I said as the shoved me out the door and into the police car.

Grayson POV

I sat in math class bored as ever. Where was Tati? I saw her this morning. I sat for a few more min. Then she walked into class 'whew' now my worries will go away.

She sat down for 20 min until the police bust into the room and arrested her!! What the fuck!! assault and violence!! What did she do that was that bad?! 

i looked over at jake and he shrugged. i raised my hand and asked to go to the bathroom. the teacher said yes and i ran out into the hallway. 

Everything was happening so fast.

Tatiana's POV

The police dragged me out of class. i saw Cheryl sitting where i left her. i glared at her.

"got what you deserve" she muttered as i broke away from the officers, still in my handcuffs.

My foot met her face, her head slamming into the lockers. I broke my handcuffs against the lockers, making one of my hands free. I kicked her again. she stood up slowly and i decked her in the throat, making her fall to the floor. 

The police tackled me and threw me out of the school's front doors.

Grayson's POV

When i walked out of heart dropped. It was Tati and Cheryl. 

I've never seen Tati like this...except for the time she defended me. But this time she wasn't defending anyone. 

I've never seen her this mad. My dad was right......I didn't know the real her.

Cheryl just lay there on the floor. Helpless and bloody. She wasn't moving. That worried me. I rushed over after Tati got thrown out of the building. 

i held Cheryl in my arms. She was breathing, but not moving. She was unconscious. I pulled out my phone and called an ambulance. They rushed her to the hospital. 

I was telling a paramedic what had happened while we drove to the hospital. They put her on the wheelie bed thing and rushed her to a room. I sat outside of the room while the doctors did their thing. 

After about 1 hour, they aloud me to see her.

"Is there anything seriously wrong with her?" i asked.

"No. She has a concussion, a  busted lip, a black eye, and a pretty badly bruised chin." the doctor said "she can leave when she wakes up"

i nodded and went into the room.

Tatiana's POV 

I the back of the cop car, staring out the window. I can't believe I let the real me out. I've been trying my hardest not to get into trouble. I haven't been smoking weed, doing xans, drinking, vaping, sneaking out, or fighting. I've been a completely new me.

But I guess the real me came out. Oh welp. 

(i know this is short but oh welp. i swear my other chapters will longer...sorry)

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