The Chewa Pride

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A/N: The image above is to show "Tish" (the lioness) and "Heru" (the male obviously). Sorry for the poor quality! The pictures were on a computer and I took a snap from it from my iphone cause for some reason my laptop wouldn't let me upload pictures. From time to time I type the story on my laptop when I get tired of typing on a iphone! If you guys remember from chapter 10, Heru is Zawadi's son (: Now you may read and enjoy chapter 16 below!



Tish was nice enough to show us around her world, meaning her pride. All the lions are nice here and welcomed us with open arms.

"Wow, this place is amazing!" Makosa compliments.

I nod, "Yeah, it reminds me much of home."

Tish giggled as she led us to a big shady tree. We all sat down in a circle. By all I meant me, Makosa, Tish, Bia, and Hanaa.

"Oh, our pride is no where close to looking like the Pride Lands. That place is absolutely gorgeous! I remember my first time going there when I was young adult. It was my husband Heru and I's first meeting with your parents. Every year all the lions who are leaders from different parts of the Savanna gather around at different places and have meetings. That time, the meeting was at Pride Rock!"

Makosa looks stunned. "Wow! I do remember my father telling me about that when I was a teenager. We were going over my King lessons one day and that was the topic. Leaders of the African savanna! I know this may sound silly and all, but at first I thought my father was the only leader of the entire savanna."

Tish shook her head. "No Prince, there are lots of lions in the savanna who are rulers! The Pride Lands doesn't cover all of the savanna as you now know. The savanna is broken into many different areas. This area you are in currently is the Dawn Lands. It is taken over by the Chewa Pride. Your area is the Pride Lands and it is ruled by Pride Rock. Do you understand?"

"Yes, we do!" I nodded.

"So, your not a Queen? Just a regular ruler??" Makosa asks.

Tish nod her head with a smile. "Correct Makosa! I didn't come from a royal family, but my husband Heru once did. His mother Zawadi was a Princess back at her birth pride. If they had lived there, Heru would technically be a Prince! But, being royalty did not fascinate him. He just wanted to be a regular lion and build his own Pride. Along the way, he found me and my three sisters alone. We got separated from our parents when we were teenagers. I have no clue what happened to them. We were hunting and they just magically disappeared. It was very strange indeed. I still wonder till this day if they are still alive. If so, are they trying to find us? Who knows, they're probably too old..."

"Wow Tish, that is a very interesting story and I am so sorry to hear about your parents!" I say.

"Oh don't worry, that was a very long time ago dear. I am just glad to have found Heru and became his wife. We have two beautiful girls!"

Tish hugged both of her daughters while they smiled.

"So when you and Heru both decide to join the heavens, who will take over your places?" Makosa asked curiously.

"I will." said Hanaa.

"Yes, Hanaa will be next to guide our Pride. She is the oldest!" said Tish. "Bia will become the lead huntress of the hunting party. That is why you saw her practicing her hunts earlier."

Bia slighty chuckles while looking embarrassed. She stared down at her paws, "Yeah and I have failed miserably too."

I placed my paw on Bia's shoulder and smiled. "Do not worry Bia! If Makosa and I have some time tomorrow before we leave, I can show you a few tricks of mines on how to better your hunts!"

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