Chapter 3

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AJ's P.O.V

I woke up before Mollie and as it was a Friday we had to go to Elstree to do a run through at 9:00 and it was now 7:30 and we needed to have breakfast take a shower each and then get ready so I wake Mollie up by kissing her lightly on the lips until She wakes up.
I felt her kissing back and that's when I know she's awake.
"Morning Beautiful," I say
"Morning Handsome," She replies
"We have about 45 minutes before we need to got to Elstree so I'll go down and make us some breakfast while you take a shower and then we'll come upstairs to get ready," I say
"Sounds good, I'll go and hop in the shower." She replies.

I head downstairs and make me and Mollie some yoghurt with fruit.

Once it's ready I call Mollie down, "Molls it's ready,"

Whilst we're eating I say to Mollie, "Are we going to tell anyone about us,"
"I don't think we should, I mean we've only known each other since last Saturday but I feel like I've known you a lifetime, and in interviews I think we should either deny it or laugh it off, but I don't mind it's up to you."
"Yeah that sound like a good plan as if we tell someone it might accidentally slip out to the press." I agree,
"What should we say if someone asks us why we arrived together,"
"Just tell them your car broke down and I was passing you on the way so I picked you up and took you," I tell her.

Once me and Mollie had finished breakfast we got into some training gear and drove to Elstree to start our rehearsals. We got our schedules for the day, We had our dance first, then costumes and then the group dance.

I was so excited for the first live show and I just couldn't wait.

Me and Mollie had just finished our Jive but I had gone to get us some coffees and now I have to go to costumes so we can see our outfits for tomorrow's show.

When I reach costumes I see Mollie in this pink dress which comes down to about her thighs and she looks so gorgeous it's unbelievable.

I get changed into this grey patterned shirt, a black tie and black trousers.

After costumes we head to Starbucks near Elstree to get some lunch.

Once we'd eaten lunch we walked back to Elstree with our arms around each other and once we arrived back to Elstree we rehearsed the group number and then headed home.

*Time Skip to after the rehearsal back at AJ's House*

Mollie's P.O.V

"AJ," I called.
"Yeah princess," AJ says
"I want to talk to you, can you come in here please."
"What do you want to talk to me about," He asks,
"I feel so nervous for tomorrow and I think I'm gonna fall or forget it,"
"Look, Honey there's no elimination this week, and even if you do fall over or forget it, I will help you, and whatever happens tomorrow night I will still love you,"

"Let's watch a film," AJ says to me,
"Sounds good, Disney?"
"Yeah, Of course."

AJ puts on Cinderella and we are lying on the sofa when I feel myself falling asleep,
"Babe, look you're really tired just fall asleep and then I'll carry you up to bed in a bit," I hear AJ say before I fall into a deep sleep.

AJ's P.O.V

The film has just finished so I turn the TV off and then I look the doors and turn the lights off and I carry Mollie up to our bed,
"Goodnight Molls, I Love you so much," I tell her, I then kiss her on the forehead and climb into bed next to her . I wrap my arms around her and I can feel her relax into me, she then snuggles her head into my chest and we fall asleep.

Mollie's P.O.V

I wake up at 6am and I don't want to wake AJ up yet so I wriggle out of his arms and I go downstairs to make us some breakfast. I make some pancakes and by the time they're done it's 6:30 so I head upstairs with the pancakes on a tray and I start to wake AJ up by kissing him lightly along his jawline making my way up to his lips, I kiss him a few times on the lips and then he wakes up so I say,
"Good morning Handsome, I made you some pancakes,"
"Good morning Beautiful, You didn't have to do that,"
   "I know but I wanted to surprise you,"
  "I love you so much Molls," He says giving me a peck on the lips.
   "I. Love. You. Too." I reply in between kisses.

"I'm gonna go take a shower," I say to AJ,
     "Okay babe, can I come in with you so we don't waste water?"
    "Yeah sure,"

I had just turned the shower on and was getting in it when AJ did the same,
    "Babe you're gorgeous," AJ tells me,
      "I'm not, look at me, I don't understand why people always want me to do lingerie adverts, as I'm like the ugliest person alive," I say
    "Babe you're stunning, inside and out  
and I'm not just saying that because you're my girlfriend, I'm saying it because it's true, even before I'd met you, I saw you in The Saturdays and thought you were beautiful and everyone wants you to do those adverts because you're amazingly gorgeous and you might not see it but..."
I interrupt him by giving him a passionate kiss and then he begs his tongue for entrance and I copy his actions. We had been making out in the shower for about ten minutes when I say,
"Babe as much as I'm enjoying this and don't want it to stop, we are going to  be late for Strictly if we don't hurry up,"
   "Mooolls, Why?"
   "It's our first live show and we need to be there by 8:00 and it's now 7 and it takes about 15 minutes to get there."

AJ kisses my neck and cheek as we get out of the shower, which sends butterflies down my body.

*Time Skip to The Live Show*

AJ's P.O.V

Aston has just finished his dance and he got 31 and now me and Mollie are up, I'm really excited but I can tell Mollie is nervous,
   "Look Molls, You're going to do great so just trust yourself and everything will be fine," I say whilst massaging her shoulders.
  "AJ I actually don't know what I would've done without you that night so thank you."

We had just finished our dance and we got 23.

*Time Skip to After the Live Show back at AJ's House*

AJ's P.O.V

"Mollie look at me," I say whilst holding her chin and turning her to look at me.

Once she was looking at me I say,
"That was incredible and so are you so let's go to bed and we can go have a lazy day tomorrow,"
"Okay," Mollie replies,

I'm carrying Mollie up to bed when I hear her say,
"I love you so so much AJ,"
  "I love you too, more than anything."
(A/N I hoped you enjoyed chapter 3 if you did please keep voting and commenting. This was a bit longer than the others but tell me if you prefer it like this or shorter.)

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