Chapter 34

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AJ's P.O.V


"Molls, you're pregnant!" I say in shock,
   "I know!"

I pick Mollie up and spin her around before placing a kiss on her delicate lips,
   "I love you and I love you," I say kissing her stomach,
   "I and the baby love you too, are we going to tell Aljaz and Janette?"
 "It's up to you, we can trust them though so I don't see why not."
     "Yeah, let's tell them."

We go downstairs and tell Brie to go into the living room as we go in the kitchen,
  "We want to tell you something," I say starting off,
  "Okay," Aljaz and Janette say together,

"I'm pregnant," Mollie says,
  "Congratulations guys," They say, showering us with hugs,

We talk for a bit longer before they go. Once they've left it is 5 pm, we decided to order take away for dinner so I call Prezzo and order us food.
  "Do you think we should tell Brie?" I whisper to Mollie, 
    "No, I think we should tell her at 12 weeks because there's less chance of a miscarriage and if I do lose the baby and we've told her we would have to explain it to her and it would make her upset." 
   "Yeah, that sounds like a plan," I kiss Mollie's forehead and then get up as I heard a knock at the door,

The man hands me the pizzas and I walk back into the living room,
   "PIZZA'S HERE!!" I shout, scaring Mollie,

We eat the pizza and then we put Briar to bed,
  "Goodnight Brie, I love you," I say kissing her forehead,
  "love ou too,"

Mollie does the same and then we tiptoe slowly and quietly out of the room. Mollie looks at me with puppy dog eyes and I know exactly what she wants,
  "Film?" I say,
   "Yep," Mollie replies kissing my cheek,

I put on The Greatest Showman and get comfortable on the sofa, Mollie lays next to me and rests her head on my chest. After the movie, we head to bed, I take off my T-shirt and tracksuit, brush my teeth and climb into bed, Mollie gets in next to me and I wrap my arms around her waist and she rests her head in the crook of my neck. Like this, I fell asleep.

*The Next Morning*

I wake up to Mollie being sick in the bathroom, I throw off the covers and run into the bathroom, I hold Mollie's hair off her face and rub her back whilst she is throwing up, once she has finished I say,
  "It's okay, how long have you been in here?"
  "About 15 minutes,"
    "You should have woken me up, Molls,"I say, pulling her into my chest.
  "I didn't want to,"
 "You looked too peaceful and cute," Mollie says, blushing and hiding her face,
   "Aww," I reply, tilting her chin up with my fingers and gently kissing her.

I pick her up and take her back to bed, we fall asleep in each other's arms only to be woken up by Brie a few minutes later,
  "Morning," I moan, rolling over to face Brie,

I grab Brie and start tickling her before putting her on my back and piggybacking her downstairs. We eat a quick breakfast and then we get ready for the day. I put on a white T-shirt and a pair of black jeans, Mollie tells me she has booked an appointment for 12 O'clock and it is now 10 so I go into Brie's room and play with her until we need to go. Curtis arrives to look after Brie and then me and Mollie head out.

Once we arrive, we check in and sit down in the waiting room,
  "Mollie King,"
 "That's us," Mollie says hopping up and clasping my hand,
 "I'm Lily, I'll be your midwife through this pregnancy," She introduces herself,
  "I'm AJ, nice to meet you," I say and Mollie then does the same,
 "So, Mollie if you could lay down on this bed and I'm going to put some gel on your stomach which might be a little bit cold."

Lily puts the gel on and lowers the camera onto Mollie's stomach,
  "You're 10 weeks through your pregnancy,"
  "And we can see that you're having twins!"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm going to try and update daily throughout the holiday but if I miss a day, Im sorry.

734 Words

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