Chapter 36

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Mollie's P.O.V

I feel myself being shaken awake,
"Molls, wake up," AJ says,
"What's wrong?" I say seeing Brie in tears on AJ's chest,
"She had a nightmare,"
"Aww, baby girl, come here," I say taking her off AJ's chest and laying her on mine, kissing her forehead,
"Shh, it's okay," AJ says comfortingly,
"Do you want to talk about it, darling,"
"Okay, monsters tying to eat ou and Dada, they took me away and ate ou."
"Baby, do you want to sleep in here tonight,"
I lay her down between me and AJ, I sing softly to her until she falls asleep.

I wake up at 11 O'clock and see Brie and AJ aren't next to me so I go downstairs and I see the dining table full of food, bacon, sausages, scrambled eggs, baked beans, muffins, tomatoes, mushrooms and hash browns.
"Wow, baby, this is amazing," I say to AJ,
"I'm glad you like it, this is my day off before I start training with Emma so I thought I'd surprise you,"
"I love it, thank you,"
"You're welcome,"

We sit down and eat, before getting dressed I put on this,

I tie my hair back in a ponytail and do some neutral makeup

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I tie my hair back in a ponytail and do some neutral makeup. Whilst AJ's getting dressed, I go and dress Brie. I put her in navy leggings and a pale blue top.

We go downstairs and I put on Finding Nemo. I climb onto the sofa and rest my head on AJ's chest with Brie lying at the end, her legs on mine. Once the film's ended I say to AJ,
"I'm going to ring the doctors for an appointment next week, I'll be twelve weeks and we can know the genders,"

I get up and leave the room, dialling the number as I do,

Mollie- Hello, it's Mollie King,
Doctor- Hi,
M- I was wondering if I could get an appointment for next week,
D- Yes, you can, what time?
M- Around 2,
D- We have 2:15
M- Yep, that's fine,
D- Okay, we'll see you then,
M- Bye,
D- Bye,

"Yes, babe,"
"I've got an appointment for next week at 2:15,"

We watch Finding Dory and then we head to the park.

Once we've arrived, AJ gets Briar out of her car seat and I get Alfie out of the back. We are walking around the park when suddenly I feel AJ tense up beside me. A girl walks over swaying her hips and she goes over to AJ and lays a hand on his chest.

AJ's P.O.V.

"Hey, Handsome," She says, trying to flirt but failing miserably,
"Mia, I never want to see you again, Go away," I say taking her hand off my chest.
"You know you want me, AJ,"
"I don't want you, Mia, I have an amazing girl beside me who is a million times better than you ever were," I snap taking Mollie's hand,
"I'm much prettier than her,"
"You're aren't, Mia, you're a horrible self-centred bitch, who only cares about herself,"
Mia runs her hands down my chest before walking off swaying her hips, yet again,

"Who was that?" Mollie says, letting go of my hand and turning towards me,

"That was Mia, my ex, she cheated on me and then I broke up with her, she probably wants to get back together with me because I'm famous," I see Mollie looking at me angrily,
"Mollie, trust me, I love you and I hate her, I will never cheat on you,"
"Ok," She says retaking my hand,

We walk around the park for a bit longer before having dinner at Pizza Express which is just across the road. After dinner, we get in the car and drive home. Once home we put Brie to bed and then go and sit down on the sofa,
"I start training with Emma tomorrow," I say to Mollie,
"Yeah, what's your first dance?"
"The waltz, I think she'll be good at it as she did one in Beauty and the Beast,"
"Oh yeah, I have a feeling she's going to be good at them all,"
"Same, I'm annoyed that I'm not gonna be seeing you and Brie as much,"
"I'll definitely come to all the shows and I'll take Brie if she's not tired, anyway, you'll still see me in the evenings,"

We watch an episode of 13 Reasons Why before going to bed. I brush my teeth, get changed and climb into bed, Mollie then does the same,
"I love you, Molls,"
"I love you too, AJ,"

Even though I saw Mia at the park, today has been one of the best days of my life because I got to spend it with Brie and Mollie.

I love our family.

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