Chapter 12

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AJ's P.O.V

I woke up and Mollie was no longer next to me so I went downstairs and found her watching TV so I went behind her and kissed her neck which scared her,
  "Hey Gorgeous,"
   "Hey Handsome,"
"How are you and the baby,"
"We're good, what are we going to do about Strictly?"
"I'm not sure Babe, but we can ask the Doctor when we go for our appointment,"
"When is the appointment?"
"At 11 O'clock,"
"Okay I'm going to go get ready then," Mollie says,
"Yeah same,"

Mollie's P.O.V.

It was 10am and I need to get ready so I put on this,

I brush my hair and let it hang loose over my shoulders and then I do my makeup like this,

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I brush my hair and let it hang loose over my shoulders and then I do my makeup like this,

I brush my hair and let it hang loose over my shoulders and then I do my makeup like this,

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I walk downstairs and AJ has changed into a plain white hoodie and a pair of black jeans.
"Hey Gorgeous, are you ready to go?"
"Yep," I say popping the p,

We arrive at the Hospital with about 5 minutes to spare so we check in and then go sit in the waiting room.

"Mollie King," The Midwife Calls,
"That's us," We say,
"Follow me," She says,
We follow her into a room and she tells me to lie on the bed,
"My name is Emma and I'll be your Midwife through your pregnancy, I need to put this gel on your stomach and it might be a bit cold, AJ do you want to do it?"
"Yeah Sure," He says, squeezing the correct amount of gel onto his hand and then rubbing it on my stomach, and it was so cold.

Emma then puts this Camera onto my stomach and then the picture comes onto the screen, I can just make out a small circle on the screen and then another slightly bigger one underneath.
"So you're about 12 weeks pregnant so do you want to know the gender?"
I look at AJ and he nods his head,
"Yes please," I say to Emma,
"You're having a baby girl!"
Tears start streaming down my face, I look at AJ and I can tell he is really happy. A little Princess to look after.
  "So do you have any questions?"
"Oh Yes Do I need to stop dancing?"
  "Yes you do as it could cause you and the baby pain,"
"Okay, Thank you," Me and AJ say.
  "We'll get you another appointment booked for a month."
  "Thank you," I say.

*Time Skip Back Home*

AJ's P.O.V

"Molls we have a little Princess to look after,"
   "I know, I'm so excited, I can't believe I'm already 12 weeks, but I'm kind of sad that I have to withdraw from Strictly,"
   "Should we tell them about the baby,"
  "I don't think so because they only just found out we're together and they might slip it to the press accidentally. If they ask why I withdrew I'll just say there were family issues as none of them know about my childhood,"

We watched a film and then ordered a pizza for dinner. We were both really tired so Mollie headed up to have a bath and I went to tidy up and lock the doors.

We got into bed and I fell asleep with my hands resting on Mollie's tiny baby bump and her head resting in the crook of my neck.

I can't wait until my little Princess is born.

A/N I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading and voting.

580 Words

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