Chapter 44

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Mollie's P.O.V.

I fall to the ground and I hear AJ shout,

Laura quickly brings out her phone and dials 999. AJ gently rests his hand on my shoulder and says,
  "Try and stand, I'll carry you once you're up, you can do this Mol,"

I slowly stand up and when I'm steady AJ picks me up.
  "The ambulance is here," Laura tells me,

AJ takes me to the ambulance and delicately places me on the bed, he takes my hand and strokes it while whispering comforting words.

We arrive at the hospital a few minutes later and AJ carries me into the hospital and checks us in. I and AJ get taken to a room and Emma comes in with a few other doctors.
  "You are 5cm dilated, you need to be 10 to start pushing. We'll leave you in here and come back in a bit. Press the button if you need us, Epidural is beside you, take it if you need it."
  "Okay, thank you,"
   "I'll leave you two alone,"
   "All right, Bye,"

Once she has left AJ calls my sisters and tells them to come as soon as possible, afterwards he climbs into my bed and kisses my huge stomach. He then kisses my forehead and pulls me close.
   "You can do this, Molls, I know you can."
   "I'm not so sure,"
   "I am Mollie, you're amazing,"

Him saying that makes me realize the only voice I ever need to hear is AJ's.

I lay in his arms for a few hours, gasping slightly when a contraction comes. AJ kissing my hand and forehead every now and then. Ellen and Lauren have just come in as they couldn't come in the ambulance and then got stuck in traffic. After hugging both of them, Emma and the doctors came in and said that it was time. AJ gets off my bed and sits on the chair beside me, never letting go of my hand.
  "Are you ready?" Emma asks me,
  "Ready as I'll ever be," I answer giving her a weak smile.
  "When I say Go, push as hard as possible,"

  "GO," Emma says,
I clutch AJ's hand and push,
I do the same, I think I may break AJ's hand,
I scream in pain and AJ kisses my hand to try and calm me down,
  "Nearly there baby, nearly there,"
  "One more push and the first baby will be here,"
  "GO," I push as hard as humanly possible, I hear the perfect cries of my baby fill the room,
  "It's a boy,"
  I nod and smile as I'm already filled with pain for the next baby.
"The other doctor will take him to clear  him up whilst you deliver the next baby,"
"Again when I say go you push as hard as you can,"
I push hard and AJ's hand is going very red but right now I don't think he minds.
I push harder then before and then I hear Emma say,
  "You're doing incredibly Mollie, one more like that and your baby will be here,"
I push just as much as before and my baby's cries soon fill the room.
  "Your baby girl is here," Emma says,
  I nod weakly and look at AJ, he leans down and gently kisses my lips. The doctor gives me my baby boy back and he is perfect. A few minutes later Emma comes back with my girl and gives her to AJ.
  "What are their names?" Emma asks,
  "Zachary Caleb Pritchard and Isabella Skye Pritchard."

My family is complete. I have three amazing children and a stunning husband.

The next chapter of our lives.

The book is over😭. I hoped you enjoyed it and I'm so grateful that you read it. I love you 💜💖.

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