Chapter 10

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A/N I'm going to skip to week 6 on a Friday because I didn't have anything to write about because it would be the same things over and over again. Also later on A is Aljaz and AJ is Aj

AJ's P.O.V

I woke up before Mollie and I needed to wake her up to go to Elstree to run-through our dance for Halloween week.
I kiss her jawline and make my way to her lips when I feel her turn away.
"Hey Beautiful, what's wrong,"
"I don't feel well,"
"Well I'm sorry to hear that but we do have to go to Elstree today,"
"I don't want too,"
"I know but let's go in and if you start to feel any worse tell me and I'll drive you back here straight away."
I lift Mollie out of bed, Bridal style and carry her out to the car.

We stop on the way to get Starbucks as we didn't have breakfast.

We'd arrived at the studio and we had just finished our run-through of the Dance and I walked over to Johnnie and Simon and Mollie went over to Gemma and Aljaz.
   "Hey guys," I say,
   "Hey AJ," They reply,
I spoke to them for a bit and then,
Aljaz runs over to me and says
  "Mollie's fainted and she's calling for you,"
  "Oh my Gosh, Where is she," I say panicking,
   "She's over by Gemma," Aljaz tells me,
I run over to Mollie and I see her lying on the floor, pale as a sheet, I rub her back and tilt her head up, supporting her back against a chair.
"Gemma call an ambulance, she didn't feel well this morning and I made her come here, It's all my fault."
I hear Gemma talking to someone on the phone and then she turns to me and says,
"They'll be here in 5 minutes AJ,"
"Thanks Gemma,"

I waited with Mollie for the 5 minutes and as soon as the ambulance arrived I picked her up and laid her on the bed in the back, and I sat beside her. Then I get a phone call from Aljaz,

A- Hey, you know what you said about Mollie not being well this morning,
AJ- Yeah bro,
A- How did you know she wasn't well,
AJ- Okay bro I'll tell you but you have to promise you won't tell anyone not even Janette,
A- Okay fine I promise,
AJ- We're dating,
A- I'm happy for you bro,
AJ- Thanks mate, but I've got to go we're at the hospital now,
A- All right Bye hope everything goes well,
AJ- Bye.

I hang up the call and carry Mollie out of the bed and into the hospital.

A few hours later and the tests have all been done the doctor tells me that Mollie just fainted and nothing was severely wrong with her but that she would have to stay overnight so they could keep an eye on her. I get my phone and see I have 3 missed calls from Aljaz so I ring him back, he picks up on the third ring,

A- Hey AJ, how's Mollie
AJ- She's fine the doctor said she had just fainted, but she's still unconscious and nothing was severely wrong with her,
A- Okay that's good to hear,
AJ- I'm staying with her overnight so can you go to my house and grab a spare set of clothes for me and also some for Mollie, there's a key underneath the mat by the door,
A- Okay mate I'll drop the clothes off in a bit,
AJ- Okay thanks bro, I'll see you in a bit,
A- Okay Bye,
AJ- Bye.

I'm holding Mollies hand when I feel her squeeze back,
"Hey Molls,"
"Hey AJ, where are we,"
"We're in the hospital Babe, you fainted at Elstree,"
"When can we leave?"
"Tomorrow, they want you to stay overnight so they can keep an eye on you Princess," I say whilst climbing into the bed,

We're cuddling in the bed when I hear a knock at the door,
"Who is that AJ?"
"Its Aljaz, I told him to bring us a change of clothes,"
"Oh okay,"
I hop out of the bed and open the door,
"Hey AJ," Aljaz said,
"Hey bro,"
   "I brought you the clothes, how's Mollie,
  "Come in, see for yourself," I say taking the clothes from Aljaz.

Mollie's P.O.V

" Oh, Hi Mollie, how long have you been awake," Aljaz asks me,
"About an hour," I reply,

We talk with Aljaz until he has to go and then we fall asleep in the bed cuddled up.
I wake up before AJ and he looks so peaceful sleeping but I need to wake him up so we can get out of this hospital and head to Elstree for Strictly tonight. I kiss him on the lips a few times to wake him up and then he pulls me on top of him and kisses me back harder than before.
  "Morning Princess," He says in his sexy morning voice,
    "Morning Handsome," I reply,

We hear a knock at the door so I say,
  "Come in,"
The doctor walks in through the door and says,
  "You're free to go home and you can keep dancing, but we have some news,"
Me and AJ look at each other confused and then we say together,
  "We we're doing the tests and we found something..."

A/N Ohh Cliffhanger. Anyway I hope you liked this chapter keep reading and voting.

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