Chapter 18

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AJ's P.O.V.

I woke up before Mollie and I didn't want to wake her as she would try and stop me from what I was about to do.
I slowly climb out of bed doing my best not to wake Mollie, I don't take a shower as it would wake her so I quickly wash my face and brush my teeth and I go downstairs and make myself a bowl of cereal and then I write a note for Mollie so she doesn't worry about me this is what it says,

Dear Molls❤️,

I have gone to my Parents house to talk to my dad and try and talk some sense into him about our child and us. Please don't worry about me I'll be fine.
I love you AJ xxx❤️

I run upstairs and put it on top of her phone where I knew she'd find it. I go downstairs and I walk out of the door locking it as I go. I hop in the car and find a good radio station and I drive to my parents singing along to the songs.

I arrive at my parents at about 10am when I knew they'd be awake so I knock on the door and my dad answers.
"Hello AJ, have you come to tell me you broke up with her?"
"No I haven't and I definitely haven't broken up with her. I've come to talk to you about your reaction to us." I reply,
"Come in then, Your mum and Curtis are at the Studio."
I walk in and sit down on the sofa.
"Why did you react like that? I love Mollie and She loves me. We're having a child and you're going to be a grandfather. Just Why?"
"Firstly, she's 7 years older than you and you only met her about 5 months ago. Secondly, What about your dance career. Yes you got a job on Strictly but you withdrew as well they might not take you back if you try. Thirdly, You're having a child and you're 23 years old and I don't think your ready for it..."
"I wouldn't be doing it if I wasn't ready would I?" I say raising my voice, interrupting him.
"Don't raise your voice at me Son,"
"I'm only raising my voice because you're frustrating me Dad I love Mollie and I love my child and there's nothing you can do about it,"
   "I know you do but I don't want to see you get hurt,"
     "I won't get hurt I love our child and I love Mollie,"
"Okay then if you think you're ready go for it I just don't want to see you get hurt and if you do don't come crying to me Okay."
"Okay Dad thank you," I say giving him a quick hug and then I go out the door and hop in the car and drive back home in high spirits.

"Hey Molls," I say walking through the door,
"Hey AJ, how did speaking with your dad go?" Mollie replies giving me a peck on the lips.
"It went well he said that if I think I'm ready I can do it but he told me not to come running to him if something goes wrong."
"Okay that's good. Are you ready?"
"Of course I am Molls," I say giving her a passionate kiss.
She replies by giving me a tight hug.

"We need to tell my sisters about me being pregnant they already know we're together but they don't know about this."
"Okay, FaceTime?"
"Yeah sounds good,"

S is sisters and MA is Mollie and AJ.

S-Hey Moll,
MA- Hey Guys, We have something to tell you,
S- Okay then,
MA- I'm Pregnant,
S- Oh My Gosh Mollie and AJ we're so happy for you,
MA- I'm 17 weeks it's a girl and the due date is April 9th.
S- A baby girl.
MA- I know but as much as I want to stay here talking to you I have to go.
S- All right Bye then,
MA- Bye.

"That went well then," Mollie says,
    "Yeah it did," I replied pulling her towards me.
   "I can't wait until our Little Princess is here," I say whilst cuddling Mollie,
   "Neither can I."
   "I love you and our little girl," Mollie says,
   "I love you and our little girl too more than anything."

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