Chapter 32

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AJ's P.O.V.

I woke up early because today is the day we meet the celebs for this series of Strictly. I kiss Mollie's forehead before going into the bathroom to take a shower, after my shower, I put on a grey t-shirt with a white hoodie over the top and a pair of black jogging bottoms. I go downstairs and get a granola bar from the fridge, I walk upstairs after eating it to say goodbye to Mollie and Brie and I see Mollie awake resting on the bed.
   "Hey Molls, when did you wake up?"
  "About 5 minutes ago, when are you going?"
 "Now, I just came to say goodbye to you and Brie,"
 "Okay, I'll see you tonight,"
 "Bye, I love you,"
  "I love you too,"

I lean down to kiss Mollie before making my way to Brie's room, she is sound asleep in her crib, I go over and kiss her forehead,
   "Bye Brie, I love you,"

I get into my car and drive to Elstree, once I'm there, I see Aljaz and Gorka,
   "Hey Guys," I say
 "Hey AJ," They reply together,
   "So are you back for good?" Gorka asks,
  "I think so,"
  "How are Briar and Mollie?" Aljaz says,
"They're great, we just came back from Spain, how is Janette?"
 "She's pregnant and doing amazingly,"
   "Congratulations, how far through?"
  "16 weeks,"
  "Do you know the gender?"
"A girl. Janette's calling me, I need to go, good seeing you AJ,"
  "Bye bro,"

"So Gorka, how's Gemma?"
"She's great,"
 "We need to go meet the celebs,"
"Let's go,"

"So are you ready to meet the celebs,"
 "YEEEEAAAH," All the pros scream,

The curtain goes up and I see, Emma Watson, Sarah Harding, Una Healey, Hannah Miley, Damon Scott, Bruce Willis, Daniel Kaluuya, Charlie Hunnam and a few others. I go up to Emma and introduce myself,
  "Hello, I'm AJ, nice to meet you,"
 "Hi, I'm Emma, nice to meet you too,"

I talk to Emma for a bit longer before going up to Una, I've already met her through Molls but I go say hello anyway,
  "Hey, Una,"
"Hi AJ," 
"How are you?"
"I'm okay, a bit nervous though,"
  "Don't be, You'll love it,"

I go speak to Sarah and Hannah before the day ends and then I text Mollie,

Hey Molls, 
I'm on my way home now,
I'll be back in about half an hour,
I love you and Brie.

Mollie's P.O.V.

Brie and I are playing in the living room when I hear the door open, my eyes are covered by someone's hands,
 "Guess who?" 
"I have no idea," I say sarcastically. His hands move down and start tickling me,
 "Hey, baby," AJ says leaning down to kiss me.
 "Hey, Handsome, how is everyone at Strictly?"
  "They're good, Janette's 16 weeks pregnant,"
"That's amazing, Girl or boy?"
"Girl, how are you, Brie?"
 "good Dada," She says climbing onto his lap,
  "I'm going to go make dinner," I say to AJ,
"I'll go get changed and then I'll come and help,"

I go into the kitchen and start cooking dinner, I make pasta with chicken and sweetcorn,
  "Do you need any help?" AJ asks me,
 "No, I'm good,"
 "Okay, I'm gonna go play with Brie then,"
 "All right,"

I finish making dinner and then we eat it. After, we put Brie to bed and then go back downstairs and cuddle on the sofa,
  "Who's in Strictly this year?" I ask,
"There's Emma Watson, Damon Scott, Hannah Miley, Bruce Willis, Sarah Harding, Una and there are a few more but I didn't get the chance to speak to them,"
  "Una's in it?" 
 "Yeah, did she not tell you?"
  "No, she didn't, who do you want to be partnered with?"
  "Hannah or Emma, they both seem really positive and Hannah is an Olympian so she would be determined and then Emma's an actress and she seems quite funny so either of them,"
 "Yeah, do you have any more rehearsals?" 
"Not until the Launch show, we did everything today,"
"Okay," I say sleepily
 "Let's go up to bed,"
 "Yes please," I mumble into AJ's shirt, 

He picks me up and carries me to bed, I take my clothes off and put on one of AJ's hoodies, I brush my teeth and climb into bed,
  "Goodnight Molls, I love you," AJ says kissing my forehead,
 "Goodnight AJ, I love you too," 

I cuddle into his chest and he wraps his arms around me and soon enough I fall asleep in AJ's arms, dreaming about him and Brie, my family.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Also in this book Craig and Damon don't know each other.

757 Words

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