Chapter 8

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A/N By the way it is now a Friday

Mollie's P.O.V

The promise ring AJ gave me is so beautiful, it looks like this,

I've only just realized that behind the heart it is engraved it says A & M Forever and Always

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I've only just realized that behind the heart it is engraved it says A & M Forever and Always.

I have woken up before AJ and I was sat fiddling with the gorgeous ring when I feel him stir beside me,
  "Good Morning Handsome," I say connecting our lips together, "Good Morning Beautiful," AJ replies,
  "I only realized this morning but you got the ring engraved,"
" What do you not like it or something," AJ says flustered, "Awww no babe I love it, it's beautiful, don't worry," "I was so worried when you said that, but as much as I like cuddling in bed with you we do need to get up and head out to Elstree,
"Baaaabe," I say moaning,

AJ replies with a kiss on my lips,
"If you get out of bed in the next minute you can have more kisses but if you don't then no more kisses or cuddles for the day." He says, "So not fair," I say whilst rolling out of bed,
   "Well, look it got you up so it clearly worked," AJ says and then pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head,
"Let's go down and get some breakfast before we go to Elstree."

*Time Skip When they're at Elstree*

We'd gone in and got our schedules, we had costumes and hair and makeup, then our run-through of the dance and then we were done for the day. As I walked to costumes I saw Gemma and she immediately saw the ring on my finger. "Why do you have a heart ring on your finger," She says, "Well there's this boy," I reply,
"Who is?"
"AJ," I say looking down,
   "Oh My Gosh, Mollie I'm so happy for you," "Thanks, but can you not tell anyone because we don't want it to slip out to the press,"
"Of course,"

We were in Costumes to look at our outfits for Saturday and my outfit is so nice it's a long red dress and then AJ's wearing a black shirt and black trousers.

Our run-through of the dance went really well and now we're heading back home.

Once we'd arrived back home I say to AJ,
"I need to tell you something,"
   "You can tell me anything,"
    "You might not look at me the same as before but I have to tell you this, so you know how my Uncle raped me, he got me pregnant and then he found out and did everything he could to make me lose the baby, he slammed my stomach against tables and he knocked my head against the wall. I lost the baby when I was at 4 months and ever since then I've been scared to try again. With my boyfriend before, he made me feel special but then he forced me into things I didn't want to do. He forced me to try for a baby and when I didn't he got angry and started to abuse me. I never told him about my childhood because I was scared about what he would do." I broke down on AJ's shoulder and I couldn't carry on,
"Shhh, It's okay, everything will be fine." AJ says comfortingly, "I'm Sorry for being a burden on you,"
   "You're not a burden on me, I love you and nothing you just said changes that, and if I'm ever forcing you into something you don't want to do, just tell me and I will stop, I would never hurt you on purpose and I will for the rest of my life love you, no matter what happens," AJ says holding my chin and turning it towards me. "Thank you AJ, for everything,"
   "I might've told Gorka about us, I'm really sorry it just slipped out,"
"Yeah I kind of told Gemma she noticed the ring and then I had to tell her," "
"Its fine I made Gorka promise not to tell anyone and I'm sure Gemma won't,"

We fell asleep cuddled up on the sofa and I can't wait to see what the future for me and AJ holds.

715 Words

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