Chapter 26

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This is going to be a different kind of chapter, Skip if you want. I hope you enjoy.

Mollie's P.O.V.

I woke up before AJ but I didn't bother waking him up as I was thinking about the questions I ask myself.

Am I a good mum? Am I Beautiful?
Am I good enough for AJ? Can I be the best I can be? Am I a good singer? Do Brie and AJ love me? Do I need to do it to be a better person? Can I do this?
What is life calling to me? If I try to fail and succeed which one have I done? How many of my friends would I trust with my life? Does it matter what people think about me? Do I need to believe? Can I be kinder than I need to be? What have I given up on? Did I have to? Do I need to be scared? Am I loved? How should I live knowing I will die? Do people need me? If not now, when? If this is the last day of my life, what do I want to do? Am I holding on when I need to let go?
If I could tell my old self something what would it be?  Do I need to change to be loved? Would I break the law to save a loved one?  Would I steal for a starving child?  When it's all said and done have I said more than I've done? To what degree have I actually taken the course my life has chosen? Which is worse; failing or never trying? What do I want most in life? Am I a better person than I was yesterday? Am I the best I can be?

AJ's P.O.V.

I'm laying in bed next to Mollie, she thinks I'm asleep but I'm asking myself these questions,

Am I a good Dancer? Do Mollie and Briar actually love me? Am I strong enough to protect my loved ones? If I could give a piece of information to a newborn baby that they would always remember what would it be? Am I brave? Is there someone who has hurt me who I need to forgive? Can I do it? Am I a nice person to be around? Who is the one person I can talk to about anything and everything? Am I comfortable with being uncomfortable? What am I most thankful for? If I died tomorrow would any of this matter? Who are the people that believe in me? Am I good enough for Mollie? What do I think about when I'm alone? What makes me happy? Can I be alone without feeling lonely? Am I on the right path? Does my presence add value to those around me? What parts of my life don't reflect me? What can I do today to live a better life tomorrow? When was the last time I made a new friend? Where am I not being honest with myself and why? What have I given up on? Did I need to? Do I feel good about how I treat the most important people in my life? What do I choose to ignore?  Who am I really? If not now, when? When did I last push the boundaries on my comfort zone? How shall I live, if I know I'm going to die? What do I need to change about myself? Am I good father? Am I the best I can be right now? Do I need to change? Who would I trust with my life?

I hoped you enjoyed this different sort of chapter. Never put yourself down. You are amazing, don't listen to people saying rude things. They are only saying that because they want to be like you. Remember you are beautiful on the inside as well as the outside. I love you guys 💜💜

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