Chapter 17

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"How long are you going to keep bumping into me?" A familiar voice said in an aggravated tone.


His bag fell to the floor and one of my AP physics books fell as well.

"Why didn't you show up to the meeting, Gabe?" I ignored his stupid question. " I told you I wasn't going to go." He narrowed his brows. "Mr. Hayes is going to be mad! I'm not going to cover up for you again." I snapped.

"I don't give a shit what you tell him." He groans and picks up his black backpack from the floor. "Of course you don't." I roll my eyes. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He growls.

Just then the tardy bell rings, and I am late to first period...again. Crap!

"Nothing, I'm late now. I gotta go." I reply and pick up my book. " "Whatever." He sarcastically laughs and walks in the opposite direction towards the parking lot. Skipping class probably.


I walk into my first period and just as I do, the teacher gives me a pink piece of paper.

I, Jacqueline Wilson have detetion for the very first time in my life. I slump into my seat and Mckayla gives the teacher a dirty look. "It can't be that bad." She gives me a small smile. "Yeah right." I let out a laugh.

I look over at the paper again and it says I have detention after school today. "Coach is going to kill me, I can't be missing practice." I sighed. Mckayla grabs my detention slip and reads it. "Don't worry, I got your back girl." She hands me back the paper. "I'll just tell coach you had an emergency and couldn't make it to practice today." She added.

And that's why she is one of my best friends, she is always having my back and is there for me. "You're the best Mckay." I said, shortening her name. I do the same with Tiffany, sometimes I'll just call her 'Tiff-Tiff'.

Once class was over I walked out with Mckayla to meet up with Adam and Tiffany like usual. I tried to quickly hide my pink detention slip into my cross-body purse but Adam saw it. "Woah, what's that?" He snatched the paper away from my hand.

"Nothing." I grabbed it back in embarrassment. "Let me guess, you got detention?" He smirked. I felt my face heat up as Mckayla and Tiff just stared at me, amused by our conversation.

"Don't tell mom and dad!" I plead. his eyes lit up. "Sso you do have detention!" He shouted. Tiffany giggled at his expression. "Be quiet!" I hushed him. "I don't need anyone else to know." I added, looking around the hallway.

All three of them nodded in agreement.

"I need to get going before I get another tardy." I sighed. "I'll wait for you after I get out of practice then, you know, since you have after school detention and all." He chuckled. What a jerk.


I slowly made my way to the infamous detention room. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, infact, I was nervous as heck. What would the detention teacher think when I show up in there? What would the other students think? The school student council president got in trouble and is now serving after school detention.

I sighed and found the room, number 210. I heard a bunch of yelling and chattering from the other side of the door. Oh gosh.

I open the door and poke my head inside. "Come in." A middle-age woman calls to me. I make my way up to her and give her my piece of paper. "Take a seat wherever." She says as she smacks her gum.

I turn to face the rows of desks and I see different groups of students. Some look just as nervous as me, others look bored as can be. I can feel them all staring at me as I make my way to an empty seat in the back corner, away from everyone.

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