✗Chapter 37: Crazy Compadre✗

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"I guess you can stay here tonight. We're going to have to share that small sofa though." A shy laugh slipped through your lips whilst you pointed towards it - your stalker being 100% okay with that. You walked over to the seat and took the blanket off the arm, planning to place the fleecy material over the two of you.

Michael shook his head, taking the blanket from you. What was he going to do? Your question was answered when he wrapped it around you like a soft shawl, the sudden warmth surrounding you in a pleasant manner. He then sat on the sofa, waiting for you to join him. The killer pulled you onto his lap and leant back, wrapping his arms around you whilst he nuzzled into your neck.

"Night Michael. Thank you for staying with me~" You cuddled into his chest, content with your position as you got ready to sleep.

Your eyes flickered over to your mother before they fluttered shut, a surge of unhappiness shooting through you. But it was like Michael could sense it, the male starting to stroke your hair in a comforting fashion. Soon you succumbed to the sweetness of slumber, going to the dream realm. You would've slept right through, except a loud crash and a suspicious yell woke you up. With a small jump you grasped Michael's boiler suit and stared at the door with wide eyes; alarmed.

"What was that? Do you know?" You asked in a small voice, glancing towards the clock on the wall. 3:30am. Michael shook his head and sat up, sliding you onto the sofa before snatching up his trusty kitchen knife.

"Where are you going? You can't go check it out, someone might find you!" You bit your lip as he pulled his mask over his face again, worried for him. He shrugged, silently telling you he didn't care about his safety.

"This is serious, Michael! It-It was probably an accident in another room. Just leave it." You tried to change his mind but he was stubborn, shaking his head.

"Well just...just be careful. Check it out and then come straight back, 'kay? I'll worry otherwise." You gave in with a sigh, Michael nodding almost immediately.

The killer held your hands in his, giving them a soft squeeze whilst he promised to return to you. After which, Michael rested his head against yours, the affectionate moment calming both of you. Then he was gone, leaving a trail of cold air in his wake. You sighed once more, anxious as you huddled into the blanket. You were alone again...left to grieve for your mother's empty state. Minutes ticked past like seconds, ten minutes eventually passing. This was taking far too long. Something was wrong.

You shook off the blanket and hurried towards the door, wrenching it open as you couldn't wait any longer. The lights in the hallway were broken - pieces of shattered glass spread across the floor. Sometimes the lights flickered and tried to work, creating a dim and dismal effect. What had happened here? There must've been some sort of attack. Had Michael been caught and was putting up a fight? He was nowhere to be seen, making you doubly worried. Something wasn't right.

"Michael? Michael! Where are you?" You called nervously, stepping out from the room.

Voices came from a room nearby; one being a low voice and the other being a panicked high-pitched one. What the-? Curiosity ate away at you, your thoughts crawling with suspicion and worry whilst you dithered in the doorway. Should you go investigate? Should you wait for Michael? After another few seconds you decided to investigate - not wanting to be a weak dame in distress who pathetically waited for her knight in shining armour to return.

"Please...Please...I won't tell anyone. Leave me be...I only have days left anyway..." A female sobbed as you approached the room, peeking through the door's small window. A cloaked figure could be seen, their back facing you whilst they held a small dagger in their hand.

"But that is precisely why I must kill you. You are sick...injured...in pain. I must relieve you of your suffering. It is what our leader would want." They spoke in a smooth and silky voice; their tone feeling very familiar to you.

"You mean...you work for God?" The woman asked in a tiny voice.

"No. We fulfil the tasks and wishes of our Master. Farewell~" The hooded individual raised their weapon and sliced the woman's throat open, blood spraying onto them.

A gasp slid through your teeth as you covered your mouth and ducked out of sight; praying the psychopath hadn't spotted you. Footsteps pattered to the door and you panicked, running down the hallway. That voice...it couldn't have been. It sounded like...like Gabby. But she wouldn't be in a hospital slaughtering innocent patients. No way. There was just...no way. The bloody dagger whizzed past your face, cut into your cheek and slammed into the wall ahead of you - your eyes widening.

"Not another step, please. I have more daggers, you know." The calm and collected voice called from behind you, the person's identity being crystal clear.

"I-I don't believe it. I-I don't believe what I just saw." You stuttered and whirled around, locking eyes with none other than your friend; Gabriella.

"No...No...(Y/n), what are you doing here? I...I thought you'd have gone home by now. You weren't meant to be a part of this." Her cool demeanour vanished when she realised it was you, her eyes also wide.

"What do you mean? Of course I'm still here! Why wouldn't I stay overnight to make sure my mom was alright?" You replied sharply - regaining a bit of your normal composure.

"You don't understand. Too many...Too many of my friends have discovered my secret. Too many times I've had to take care of them...it isn't fair...this wasn't meant to happen-!" Gabby cried out unhappily, startling you.

"Gabby...What's wrong with you? Are you feeling okay?" You questioned uneasily, backing away from her.

"All I wanted was one friend to spend my life with...and every time they'd stick their nose where it didn't belong!" Her soft crying turned to a dark hiss as she snapped; her sanity shattering into shards.

"Gabby, we can work this out...Just...Just stay calm..." You put your hands up and took another step away from the unstable girl, internally screaming.

"Those stupid, silly, little slags...always poking around in my business. You see now (Y/n)? You see why I don't have any friends? Because they all fuck up and fail me!" Gabby snapped in anger, reaching for another knife.

"S-So you what, kill them? W-Why? Why are you randomly killing patients?!" You retorted edgily.

"My brother and I...we follow our Master. We're members of the Elyto cult. Our main purpose is to slay the weak and purify the land. And anyone who gets in our way or learns too much-" She took out a new knife, the blade glinting, "-don't live to tell the tale."

"But we're friends! We watched movies together, Skyped together and worked together! Does that mean nothing to you?" You yelled at her in fear.

"I'm sorry. None of this would've happened if you'd been obedient and let Dr. Loomis take care of you. But you had to fuck it up and fall in love with a broken mess of a man." Gabby spat back and took a step forward; her eyes glazing over as she gave into her insanity.

"Michael's not broken. He's smart...and loyal...and worth ten of you!" You argued strongly, clenching your fists.

"Awww, of course! That's why he was admitted into a mental institute. Now be a good girl and accept your fate." Gabby gripped the knife as she advanced, a dark grin spreading across her face. This wasn't your friend anymore, she'd switched from a crying girl to a psychotic cult member - the friendly gaze in her eyes gone.

"Fuck you Gabby. And fuck your cult. This is wrong and you know it! Killing innocent people because of their numbered days and sick conditions is disgusting. I should've let Michael kill you when he had the chance!" You threatened bitterly; shaking.

"What backwards thinking," That emotionless voice had returned, "-I would've said it was nice knowing you, but you've just fucked that up too."

"Shut up. Your art sucked anyway." You decided to dip below the belt and insult her, causing her to lose the cold attitude.

"Say goodbye, (Y/n) (L/n)." And with that, she lunged straight for you, her eyes glittering with pure madness.

His Girl - Michael Myers x Reader {Rewrite}Where stories live. Discover now